The Captain and I went on a cruise in Oct of 2009 and I wrote a little somethin’- somethin’ at the beginning of our cruise. (Forgive me for using my own little terms, I make then up as I go. :)) I wanted to share it with you.
I also want to share a little secret about the Captain…he is a romantic! We both loved the old movie “Somewhere in Time” and yes, perhaps some men would/could call it a chick flick, but we enjoyed the movie so much that we went to Mackinac Island on one of our wedding anniversaries and stayed at the Grand Hotel where some of the movie was made. If you haven’t seen the movie…you might need a few tissues near the end.
Somewhere in Time….Cruise, Oct 2009
It is quiet…with only the sound of the continuous crashing of the waves against the ship in the early morning darkness.
It is dark….as the sleepy sun stays snuggled in the deep grey and black clouds, fighting the draw that will soon force it to emerge into a twilight morn.
It is hot…the coffee, is strong and black, enticing my hands to encircle the warmth of the cup, warding off the coolness of the morning air.
It is comforting…as I gaze across the vast water to see little bits of white flotsam atop the indigo peaks and swirls of the mighty Pacific Ocean.
It is mesmerizing…as I lower my eyes straight down the side of the large vessel to the turquoise water bubbling and ebbing off the walls of the ship.
I smile…in utter contentment as I remember the moon’s balancing act on the horizon, casting brilliant, yellowish beams of moonlight across the glassy dark water of the night before.
My reverie…is broken by my loved one stirring in the deck chair so close to me that I feel his every breath and the gratefulness that engulfs me because he is here beside me.
No phones, no TV, no reminders of tasks at work,… to do something, somewhere, for someone, anyone. No mental fatigue as I fit bits and pieces of data together to form (almost) meaningless tasks. Nothing… but silence.
The enormity of God’s creation from the fathomless depths of the black waters to the vast dark, black skies (with an occasional twinkling or winking in the heavens) …falls upon me as I silently thank Him for all He has blessed me with this day.
Then it happens!…the sky begins to lighten as the long- fingered rays from the sun stretch forth bringing its majestic presence to this side of the world.
The glow warms the early morning air and soft breezes lift the strands of my hair ever so gently and I close my eyes … in anticipation of a brand new day and all the surprises that are awaiting me.
The characters leap up and off the pages of the current book I am reading and into the recesses of my mind … to be summoned at any time I need their reassurances of life.
I turn my head slightly to gaze at the Captain as I think of the wonderful events he has planned for us to enjoy and explore on this cruise…much as a pirate would sort through his spoils ….or an adventurer would chart uncharted courses.
Thank you God, for this time alone … as the Captain and I clutch each other’s hand, knowing that God is giving us this time together…this special time …this special place…for our own “Somewhere in Time”.
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