Hey all,
Have you noticed the decline in sending Christmas Cards in recent years? Yes, the cost of postage has a lot to do with the decline…but I believe the technology that is available today also contributes. Years ago, I would send out at least 80-100 Christmas Cards and I always looked forward to receiving them…and all the out-of-town people on my Christmas Card list received either a handwritten letter enclosed with the card… or notes written on the actual blank space inside the card. It was a way of keeping in touch if only once a year.
Now, there are so many ways to keep in touch…we use our cell phones, (texting and sometimes talking), email, IPads, Facebook and other “electronic toys” that were not available to us just a few years ago. Is this a good thing? Is the current communication a better way to keep in touch?
I remember that in early December…I would get excited when I made my daily trek to the mailbox, trudging through the snow to see who had sent their greetings and what “news” might be waiting inside the beautiful, colorful Christmas Card. Usually, there was more than one card in the box, which meant a good excuse to sit down with a cup of coffee, feet up on the edge of the fireplace to warm the cold and frosty toes… and to read each message from our friends and family. The anticipation was almost like opening presents on Christmas Day….and there always seem to be a wonderful anticipation, as I either ripped open the cards or, …sometimes I would take a letter opener and gently open the envelope….it depended on the extent of my excitement. Again, it was like opening presents. I am sure you can relate to when you have either torn all the wrapping paper in one quick movement … or you have carefully removed the tape and kept the wrap pretty much in one big piece. It was kind of like that! 🙂 I would take the time to carefully read (and re-read sometimes) and then I would place the cards either on the mantel or a special specific card holder so I could show them to the Captain as I shared the “new news” from all who had taken the time to write notes or simply signed their name.
We still receive a few Christmas Cards and I still send out our Greetings …..(the pic shows my dining room table, which I have designated as my Christmas Card “center”) but the list is much shorter. I always think of the line in the song “White Christmas”….”I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, with every Christmas Card I write…” as I address the cards and put little notes in each and every one. Some years I send out a variety of cards so I must make sure the message on the card matches the recipient…and then other years, I send the same card to everyone. Again, it depends on my frame of mind when I am purchasing the cards.
I suppose our great, great grandparents had similar nostalgic thoughts as they reminisced about taking the horse and buggy over the river and through the woods to their grandparents house for the holidays! Times change and we change with it….but I still miss the mystery of “who” is sending their Season Greetings…and I never seem to get that excitement when I receive a text or cell phone call! sigh….We are all so busy these days, much busier than ever before and I do like the convenience of making things easier on busy working Moms, Dads, family, friends, still…..well, you know!
What are your thoughts on sending Christmas Cards?
Well, I’m working on cards today. lol
There have been years when I have not done Christmas cards (from overseas, you wanna talk postage?); but, this year, I have made it a point to do so.
As much because of modern technology as despite it. Yeah, I have several electronic tethers, but mostly what I get to do these days is delete or hide postings/emails. To me, “keeping in touch” does not mean yet another photo of a dog (Scrooge that I am).
Yeah, it’s a short list. But not because the price of cards and stamps has risen faster than the price of gas (which has, inexplicably come down recently; go figure). I do send out cards, if only to buck the trend and because it takes effort (which, all by itself, is counter-cultural).
And yeah, I do have box of cards received in ages past.
That is so true Kathy…and there is always the thoughts of where to put the cards after the Holidays! I save mine thinking I will look at them again…but I have to confess that I usually don’t do that. One year I cut the front cover off the card and hot glued to the next years Christmas package…but I didn’t keep that practice up either! 😉
Thanks for your comments!
To me it has always been a chore to write out Christmas cards because so many people just
tear open the card, look at who sent it and toss it out. I do not mind not writing or sending
out cards. I call the people I want to greet with a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and I
feel the voice connection overcomes a paper card. Just my thoughts; I know they are not
everyones. Thats why God made us all different. Kathy
I wish it weren’t true, Kari, but when I get a digital Christmas card from my granddaughter and nothing from my nieces and their families I know it’s true.
Kari, I have always loved to send out Christmas cards with my annual letter telling everyone the news, but for some reason I’m really behind. I usually mail my cards on December 1st, but this year I may not get any cards sent. I always love getting cards, too, so I’m going to miss them.
Have you ever thought it might be our age as well as technology being the reason for fewer cards. All of us older folks who always sent cards are slowing down. lol The younger kids are too busy and really don’t care one way or the other if they get a card. It’s another generation.
yes Sandy, that thought did enter my mind…..but say it isn’t so!!! ;0