Yesterday, I needed to go to the Vet’s office to pick up some special food for Jesse James….and when he saw me getting my purse and changing into something a bit more appropriate …(I was wearing sweats and a T-shirt that had seen better days.) He headed for the door and was waiting patiently …with his feet crossed as if to say, I am ready when you are!
(Yes, I can read his mind)
Sooo I decided to take him with me…who could resist that sweet little face asking if he can go? I sat him on the console between the seats….he likes to see the cars whizzing by and the people walking down the streets. He never makes a sound. In fact, I believe I have mentioned this before, but he is very well-behaved and I would like to take credit for that…
But the truth is:
He trained himself.
Pretty much!
Anyone with white dogs will tell you stories of how they have to keep the black gunk off the white fur around the eyes….by cleaning with Q-tips; etc. Once, I was asked by a dog groomer how I managed to keep Jesse’s eyes so clean! Again, I would like to take credit for being a responsible dog owner, but the truth of the matter is:
Jesse does his own cleaning of his eyes.
Yep! he licks his paws and then rubs his eyes and prest-o! change-o! …his black raccoon eyes are gone! (One would think he is a cat the way he grooms himself) Maybe I did have something to do with that habit….he probably got tired of waiting for me to do it for him and just decided for himself that he would take care of it without me. 🙁
Yes, that sounds good, doesn’t it?
Back to the drive for the special food for Jesse.
We drove in the parking lot of the vet (actually, I drove as Jesse doesn’t drive…yet! 🙂 and immediately, Jesse became apprehensive or perhaps puzzled is the word I am looking for. I am sure his thoughts were…(yes, remember, I can read his mind) 😉
“Oh no! She is going to kennel me and go off on an adventure of some kind”
Alas, I confess I have been known to do that when the Captain and I travel to some place where it would be inconvenient to have Jesse along. However, when Jesse has been allowed to travel with us, I put him in a pull-along carrier;
…actually, it is like a backpack with wheels!
…and we stroll through hotels and up elevators and he is quiet as a mouse.
We try to stay at hotels that are dog friendly…but once in a while, we have to take him where there are fees to bring an animal into the room….and he is a perfect guest. When we take him out of the hotel to take care of his business…he goes on command. He never barks when room service comes in, nor does he get excited and jump around. He lays quietly on his doggie bed watching the movements around him and after the maid leaves, he takes a nap! I mean you do understand that it is strenuous for him to have to watch someone clean the room and make the bed.
Yep! That is my Jesse!
Love him!
Oh, Back to the drive for the special food for Jesse. I didn’t want to leave him in the car even though I would only be in the vets office for a short while and I didn’t want him to think I was going to leave him there, so I told him this:
“I am going to put you in my purse (actually it looks more like a tote than a purse) and you can stay in my purse the whole time we are in the Vet’s office”.
He is happy now!
See his smile?
So I put him in my purse and he watched me intently as you can see in the pictures…his face tells it all! After our purchase, we went back to the car and I took the below picture of him before taking him out of my purse and sitting him on the console!
You can see how happy he was!
That’s my Jesse!
My little Pomeranian!
Do you know what “POM” stands for?
Piece Of my Soul!
Love him!
I forgot to say I’ve never seen a white Pomeranian only red ones.
Hi Sandy…I know the rust color you are speaking of….Poms come in all colors these days….all black, cream, white and then there are the parti-colored….which is a combo of black and white, etc….they also come in blue…called a merle. Of course it isn’t really blue-blue but a kind of smoky blue. Still very pretty! thanks for your comments!
Oooh, he’s so cute, Kari.