I know you have heard the question…which came first and I am not going to debate that, but I do want to talk about the egg!
Good Morning Blogging Buddies! I hope you are staying warm where you are, so grab a cup of whatever you drink and lets talk about gadgets and eggs!
I have to admit….I can be a gadget person! Especially if the gadget makes my goal fool-proof!
I know what you are thinking….if a gadget is only good for one thing….one doesn’t need it. It should be a multi-tasker gadget and do many things. The investment needs to pay for itself…right?
And you would be right…except in the case of this gadget! It is my electric egg cooker!
First off the investment isn’t much….I believe about $20.00, although that was a very long time ago and I can’t be sure. My memory and multi-tasking pop in and out of my life, like diets and exercise! 😉
My Mother taught me to make hard-boiled eggs by placing the eggs (at room temperature) in a pan of cold water, turning the heat to high and when the water boils, turn the heat off and put a lid on the pan and let it set for 20 minutes. To make peeling easier, drain hot water, rinse under cold running water for a couple of minutes. …leaving eggs in the pan with just a bit of water and vigorously shake the pot, cracking the eggs’ shells.
And for most of the time….that would work. BUT, there would be that one time when I either didn’t wait the full 20 minutes or my eggs were not room temperature OR I just simply forgot them. Also, there would be times that my eggs would not peel easily and the worst problem (in my opinion) was when the rim around the yolk would be the ugliest army green. My egg cooker never has any of those issues. Eggs are perfect, every time.
The only thing I have to remember is to take the eggs out of the fridge for a couple of hours or…overnight, which is even better! And I know what you are thinking…..has she ever forgot and had to put the eggs in the cooker directly from the fridge?… and the answer to that is “Yes”…and it still works.
Here is how my little egg cooker works.
- Put the room temperature eggs in the cooker.
- Decide if you want your eggs hard, soft or medium (there is a gauge on the sides of the egg pricker/gauge)
- Fill the gauge with water up to the level of egg count (yes, you can boil 1 or 7 eggs).
- Prick your eggs with the little sharp needle on the bottom side of the water gauge. The bottom of the gauge is indented to fit the end of the egg, so you just put the bottom of the gauge over the egg and the “needle” pricks the egg.
- Then you literally set it and forget it! When your eggs are ready, a buzzer will sound to let you know. At that time you can move the “on” button to the “warm” button, if you are not ready to address the eggs.
- I remove the eggs one at a time and run the egg under cold water for a few seconds…tap it on the side of my counter (gently), roll it around in my fingers to loosen the shell and the shell just falls off. Many times in one big piece as you can see from my pics. AND the yolk is always a beautiful yellow color with no signs of military colors. Now how easy is that?
I keep hard-boiled eggs in the fridge all the time….they make a great protein snack and the Captain can eat them as fast as I make them. It is also good to have on hand when making a healthy lunch salad or chicken, tuna and egg salad. You don’t have to wait to boil the eggs, because by then…you might have taken a ride to the local fast food place. Not that I have ever done that! ;0
Perhaps you have an egg cooker….if you do, you know how convenient they are. I know there are many brands out there and I am not endorsing any particular brand. However, I will say that the investment has been the best few bucks I have ever spent….and my little egg cooker does only one thing….. Cook perfect hard boiled Eggs!
I was taught to boil the water, put the eggs in boiling water and let them boil for 20 minutes (without turning the water off), and then cool off with cold water before peeling. I have never had any problem. lol
I almost always forget to watch the time…now you see why I needed a gadget! 🙂