Don’t Touch That Dial…for those of you old enough…you will know what that phrase means.
It was a way for advertisers to assure that the viewer did not change channels, but continued to watch through the commercial break.
I don’t think they refer to it as a dial any more….probably a remote! 😉
I don’t have time to watch a lot of television and I am pretty selective about what I do watch.
There have been some really good commercials or ads over the years….and there have been some terrible ads… in my opinion.
There are a few commercials that I feel insult the intelligence of consumers…but that is another post. ;(
I saw a commercial yesterday while watching Dancing with The Stars…one of my vices!
And I laughed out loud!
Maybe you have seen this one which is about the first day of school!
A Little boy is eating pudding and tells his Dad about his day at school which includes a lot of things the little boy did. The little boy says he is “wrecked” and
Dad says…”tomorrow it will be easier” and the little boy says incredulously “I have to go back?”
Ok…maybe you had to be there to see the humor! 😉
Another of my favorites is the E-Trade Baby!
Unfortunately, he made his last commercial during the March Madness NCAA Tournament! Don’t know if the singing cat pictured above will be replacing him but I have enjoyed his commercials for the last 6 years. The ad above actually shows the baby quitting E Trade because he doesn’t want to work with a singing cat. If you would like to see this video…please click on the upper right of my home page. It is the Featured Video this week!
There is also an old ad…about five years ago where Jimmy Johnson the Nascar Race Car Driver buys a set of tools at Lowes (his sponsor) and sets about the area “fixing” things, by helping people in need. He repairs stop signs, fences, mail boxes and helps with a school bus full of kids that needed roadside assistance.
Finally, it is late in the evening and Jimmy’s crew chief …Chad, drives up in his pick-up looking a bit agitated as he has obviously been looking for his wayward race car driver ….and Chad asks
“What are you doing Jimmy?”
And Jimmy says very nonchalant….”Welding Chad”
I love the simplicity of that Ad.
Now you didn’t think that I would not include a football reference did you?
This commercial was also several years ago and it featured the famous retired NFL quarterback, Archie Manning and his wife and 3 sons….two of which are also NFL quarterbacks! Peyton Manning and Eli Manning.
At the time, Peyton was playing for the Indianapolis Colts (now he is playing for the Denver Broncos) and Eli, who still plays for the New York Giants.
Anyway… they are touring ESPN and the two quarterbacks are bringing up the rear of the tour and of course, being boys …..they are doing a bit of rough housing. Father Archie hears the commotion and looks back at the boys with “that Look”….you all know “the look” as we have all seen it from our own parents and if we are parents we have given “the look” to our children.”
I know I have…..;)
If you would like to see this Ad just click on this link:
Oh and by the way…it is not that the advertisers have “hooked” me on their products….but they have “hooked” me on their entertaining ads.
I don’t know what that says about me…..
Guess I am not the normal consumer!
But you knew that already about me! 😉
Hmmmmm….most of these involve kids……hmmmmmm!
Do you have any favorite commercials?
Please share them with me!!
The only two commercials I haven’t are the ones dealing with sports; football and race car driving. The other two I’ve seen. All my favorite commercials have kids, or animals in them. I hate the Sonic commercials as they are so stupid.
I agree on the Sonic commercials Sandy…I didn’t realize they were still on the air!