I love May Day…for two reasons.
First off,….. let me apologize.
Please forgive the quality of these photos….my scanner and I are having “issues” today.
A dear friend of mine used to say…”never rule out operator error”, anytime I had a computer glitch at work. 🙂 And he was usually right! 🙁
But enough of that….
I love May Day for two very special reasons.
It is the birthday of the Twins. They are five years old today!
Ok, ….I must confess…..they are a lot older than five. 😉
A lot,… lot,… lot… older than five.
But it just seems like they should still be five. 😉
I have another friend who asked me once how old the twins were…. and I said 25 years old. And they were 25 years old.
However, as the years went by and the older kids married and started having children….I had so many dates to remember that when this same friend asked me a few years later….how old are the twins?….I said 25 years old.
She looked at me kind of funny and said….but you said they were 25 years old several years ago.
I really think it was a Freudian slip…;)
They both served their country…as did their Father, and Both Grandfathers, …plus 23 other relatives.
I always said that they were my little May Day Baskets of Joy!
I can’t believe they are all grown up and have become such fine young men.
I will most likely think of them as being my babies for the rest of my life.
We Mothers are like that.
Yeah, we are. 🙂
Now, I am going to assemble some little May baskets and take them to a few of my neighbors. I will put a few stems of fresh flowers and a few pieces of wrapped candy in each “cone” basket.
Tradition calls for ringing the doorbell and running away to hide. Don’t think I will try the running away to hide bit.
I will just leave them on their door knobs…or maybe I will ring the bell….:)
And then I will go to my Secret Garden and have a cup of hot tea…and perhaps some of the wrapped candy that is left over.
Well, I don’t want it to go to waste…right?
Happy May Day to all !!!!
And a special Happy Birthday to my twins!
Thanks Sandy….I always loved May Day as a child….we always had plenty of sweet smelling lilacs and white spirea to put in the May Baskets.
To this day Lilacs are one of my favorite flowers.
The Twins’ birthday coupled with May Day makes my Spring!
I have always loved May day. It was always fun to leave a basket on someone’s door (grandma’s)and ring the bell. We then hightailed it around the house and peeked to watch her open the door. lol She always knew it was us, and we would come out and go into the house with her.
Your twins are good-looking young men. Happy Birthday, twins.
Thank you very much, Sandy.
Those pictures taken so long ago feel like yesterday. Where has the time gone? Thanks for everything Mom. Love ya.
You look the same to me…..;)
Luv ya
Happy May Day Kari,
Your children are so blessed to have you as their Mama! I wish I could ring your door bell and come in and join you for that cup of tea.
Much love,
PS I can hear Noel telling you that about the operator error:) as I get the same here!
Happy May Day to you too Candis.
I thank God everyday for giving us such wonderful friends and I would love to have tea with you. It would make my day!
Say Hello to Noel for me…every time I have an issue with the computer….I think of his patience and humor.
Have a Blessed Day..or what is left of it in your corner of the world.:)