You all remember the song *The Three Little Fishes and …Swim Said The Mama Fishie, Swim If You Can….and they swam and they swam all over the dam?
In case you don’t remember…here are the lyrics and if you want a refresher on the melody itself…. the Video Feature at the upper right corner has the song ! 😉
Down in the meadow in a
little bitty pool
Swam three little fishies
And a mama fishie too
“Swim,” said the mama fishie,
“Swim if you can.”
And they swam and they swam all
over the dam
“Stop!” cried the mama fish,
“Or you will get lost.”
But the three little fishies
didn’t want to be bossed
The three little fishies
went off on a spree,
And they swam and
they swam right out
to the sea
“Help!” cried the fishies,
“Look at the whale.”
And quick as they could,
They turned on their tails
And back to the itty bitty
pool they swam
And they swam and
they swam
Back over the dam
I loved that little nursery rhyme song and I couldn’t help but think of it when I looked at my 46 gallon fish tank in the office….now the Captain’s office since I retired.
You see over the years, a whale (ok, a very large Angel fish) would chase the other fish in the tank and then mysteriously they would disappear one by one.
See that little orange fish in the back on the upper left side? He is painted onto the background…
Before I had my cataract surgery, I thought he was a survivor! 😉
Actually there are only 3 little bottom feeders remaining in the tank. Two julio catfish and a blind albino catfish! Poor little blind one doesn’t have a clue…he just scurries across the bottom running into things! 🙂
The fish were relatively the same size when we put them in the tank several years ago but the Angel fish just kept growing and growing, while the other fish remained an amusement for King Kong! (That was the name I gave the Angel fish)
You know I name things! 😉
So after church today, I decided to play a little strategy and get a few more fish…fish that were a bit bigger and more aggressive, and who would remain mostly on the bottom of the tank because King Kong reigns over the top of the tank.
After all, there is strength in numbers right?
So after picking up the fish at the fish aquarium store…I brought them home in their plastic bags and placed them in the tank to acclimate before actually releasing them.
I was also hoping that King Kong would be a little concerned because the fish appear larger through the plastic bag. (See pic below of my hand in the water)
I also purchased an urn with hiding holes in it, just in case King Kong decided to chase the new fish.
So I washed the urn and placed it in the tank and waited for the fish to acclimate (about 20 minutes).
Wow! Look at how the glass makes my hand (with the Mint green Nail Polish) look huge!
That is enough to scare anyone, let alone King Kong!
Then I released them being careful to not get any of the aquarium store water in with my “seasoned, bacteria enzyme water”…
It is really not that difficult to pour the fish out of the plastic bag and into a net placed over a 5 gallon bucket.
Well, it should be easy…but I did manage to spill some water on the bamboo floor AND on the side of the wooden stand. Oooops!
Oh it is just water, I say to myself and I grabbed my handy dandy towel that I brought with the bucket…just in case!
Yep…I do know me! 😉
Wow! King Kong is hiding behind the filter tube in this pic…..he is probably just sizing up the situation.
Can’t we just all get along?
I love all of you….and the fish too! 🙂
I will keep you posted on his King-ship and his underlings after the dust…I mean fish…settle!
Have a great Sunday!….maybe you might want to go fishing? 😉
*words and music by Saxie Dowell
I will give an update soon Sandy…;)
I’m going to be dying to hear about the King Kong and the little fishies.