Lights! Cameras! Action!
There is a lot of excitement around the Villa de la Luna today!
The Captain decided we needed security cameras positioned around the outside of our home!
It probably had to do with a rash of home invasions around the area although nothing close to our home.
The Captain said he would feel better when he is out flying if there were cameras on the perimeter.
One of the things we loved about our home was the privacy it afforded by having a 10 foot adobe wall around the front of the house … which in turn could also be a cause of concern, because
anyone can be at the front door outside the courtyard and there is no peephole or anyway to see who is behind door number 1 !! 😉
Door number 2 is inside the courtyard, attached to the main living area, and sports glass double doors…. but in order for me to go to the door when visitors arrive….
I have to go through the inside doors and walk through the courtyard to the outside doors.
Am I confusing you??
We have seen some homes that have an iron gate at the front two doors….which I considered for about two seconds!
But, only for two seconds ….because the pool and spa are in the front courtyard and if I am in the pool, I don’t want anyone walking up to my front door seeing my cellulite, lumps and bumps 😉
I know it is silly!
So the next best thing is security cameras, which I can access from inside the house and see activity outside the courtyard.
And with the wonder of IPhones…..I can check my security system….on anything and anybody….. from the privacy of my Iphone, key fob,…OR my old IPhone, which just sits in a drawer.
Now it can be useful! 😉
This also happened to be the day that the Pool Boy (with his manager) decided to do his all around annual check of the pool and equipment etc.

I got off the pink floater in the pool before everyone arrived….forgot to take out the floater out of the pool! 🙁
There were so many guys walking around in yellow shirts and blue shirts that I just had to take a few pictures.
As if that wasn’t enough activity around this place…..The Captain decides to replace the two existing ceiling fans on the lanai they were starting to squeak and slow down (we leave them running all year around) and my honey also decided to add a third ceiling fan.
Which meant running more electrical wire, cutting a hole and linking the ceiling fan to an existing off and on switch.
The Captain is working around the other workers. Whew!
So there were ladders everywhere and guys in two closets, the utility room, the garage and the attic…literally coming out of the woodwork. 😉
When all is said and done….I will be able to check all around the outside of the house from the convenience of my bed!
Raise and lower my garage door from my IPhone and take pictures of any suspicious activity.
You never know when a raccoon might like to take a dip in the Secret Garden’s fountain!
Oh, and the pool got a clean bill of health…without costing any additional money…which is always a nice surprise AND the Captain put up all three ceiling fans.
I’ve had a very busy day….it takes energy to take photos and post them.
I need to take a nap! 🙂
Have a great week and smile ….you never know when you might be on camera!
Honey not sure you should be telling us where everything is fitted…. Just in case….
Hopefully you won’t mix the live feeds from the bedroom camera and your blog page hehe
Ross xx
True…..I thought of that after I posted, however, I didn’t post where the actual command center is….but I would think if someone were ever to get in….with all the cameras and audio…we would have law enforcement catch them in the act. The Captain wanted everything hard wired with all hidden wires…
of course like with everything…pros come prepared no matter where anything is located…;)
thanks for stopping by my friend..and giving me food for thought!
Very busy day for sure but it will be worth it. You know I have three cameras in the kitchen and sun room so when I am gone I can watch what the dogs are up to and if they are into mischief I can talk to them or most of the time I yell at them(ha ha)
Thanks Sis….since the Captain will have access to the cameras too…I will have to be careful of picking my nose!:)
Tain’t nuttin’ private anymore!!
ROFLMAO Oh, Kari, you’re so funny. What a cute post with all those hunky pool boys.
On a more serious note; it’s sad to have to put up security camera all around the house, but it’s necessary in this day and age. The Captain is wise to do this to protect his sweetheart.
Thanks Sandy….I know I will feel safer being able to “see” what is going on!