Edge of Tomorrow Movie Review……
Several weeks ago, the Captain and I went to the movie Edge of Tomorrow starring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt.
I have to say I did enjoy the movie…. because Tom Cruise was in it and I like his acting.
AND because the futuristic movie was easy to follow.
Let me explain!
The reason it was easy to follow for me, was because it was a time-travel type of movie.
Yes, a futuristic movie that had Tom Cruise (the main character) re-living the same day over and over again as he struggled to “save the world” by conquering the alien species who were trying to take control of the world as we know it.
Each time he re-lived his day…he would realize the errors he had committed the last time, and would correct those errors the next time… until he finally got to the finish line…so to speak!
As I said, easy to follow when one watches the same start to his day over and over, until one can recite the dialog along with the actions of the Tom Cruise character. 🙂
The Captain loves Imax 3-D…and I have to admit all the special effects became more lifelike and were amazing.
Example: The Battle at the Beach landing was so real and incredible that each time it was re-lived…I saw new and startling effects.
This movie was definitely action packed and moved right along and I liked that.
I also liked that there were no overt sex scenes, but rather a hint of romance…after all Tom Cruise was trying to save the world…no time for rolling around half naked in a bed wooing the girl…there were aliens to conquer!
Although there were a few word bombs..they were actually few and far between, … although if I could have had my druthers…I would have them removed from the movie. 😉
But that is just me. Sometimes these words are a distraction and take away from, say… a period film where in my opinion, obscenities would most likely never have been said.
OK…off my soap box and back to reviewing the movie.
I liked watching Tom Cruise in the “Mission Impossible” movies and yes, I really liked watching him in “Top Gun” with his boyish grin and young at heart attitude.
Maybe flamboyant is the word I am searching for…but in this movie, he has “grown up”. He was a soldier…he was Major William Cage, a Public Affairs officer in United States army who did not want to go to the front line. He was believable!
Emily Blunt! What can I say about this young actress? She has been in quite a few movies and although she is attractive, she played the part of a no make-up, no nonsense kind of soldier, assisting Tom Cruise’s character as he re-lived his day. Her character’s name was Sergeant Rita Vrataski.
You see, she had already re-lived her day and ending up failing miserably. She could only help him re-live his day up to the point that she failed with hers.
And her body was so completely toned….Wow! I never saw that in myself when I was younger and I certainly will never see muscles like that in my future.
Unless you count the muscle in my food tasting arm! 🙂
Usually, the critics and I do not agree on most movies. In fact, if the critics pan a movie…I usually like it! 🙂
The Captain and I were entertained for about two hours and that is a good thing!
Have you seen this movie? Thoughts?
Kari says
Usually, they are not my favorites Sandy…give me an old fashioned chick flick any day! 😉
Sandy says
Hi Kari,
It sounds like a good movie. Will I see it? I don’t know, I have never been into SyFi movies.