They Are Certainly Faithful…!
I am referring to Ozzie and Harriet…the two eagles who have returned to their nest year after year in the Fort Myers area!
They are back and they now have two eggs in their nest…just like last year.
Please see the link from last year’s nesting, that I featured on my Blog: Eagle Cam and Ozzie and Harriet
The majestic eagles’ nest is about 5 miles from our home and we have ventured out to see them in person.
We parked in the church parking lot not too far from the nest.
But the best view is the Eagle Cam which is two cameras set up in the trees by the property owner, Dick Pritchett.
This pic is of the sunrise this morning and the nest.
And just like last year, you can monitor these two loyal parents sitting on the nest through strategically placed cameras.

This is a pic I got last night from the eagle cam as Ozzie and Harriet switched places. you can see the two eggs.
The following disclaimer is on the website.
“Eagles are wild birds and anything can happen in the wild. The Southwest Florida Eagle Cameras do not interfere or intervene and allow nature to take its course. You will see life and you might see death, but this is nature at her finest.”
I just checked and at the moment there are 503 viewers watching these eagles.
Ozzie just took over the egg baby sitting at 6:23 am this morning. Harriet flew off to relax a bit.
She watched over the eggs all last night…and let’s face it…she needed a rest!
I can relate to that! 🙂
Perhaps you would like to take a moment or two and look at the eagles on the Eagle cam.
Just click or cut and paste into your browser, the following link.
You can see and hear the traffic on the road which has never bothered the eagles in their relentless task of sitting on the nest.
It is fascinating to watch these two parents take care of the nest and the precious eggs….you can watch them live and actually hear them as they use their “eagle speak”
But I must warn you…once you get started watching and listening to them….it is difficult to stop watching.
I know of what I speak! 🙂
They are fascinating birds….
And you will find interesting information about the nest and the differences in appearance of Ozzie and Harriet on the website!
I just love all God’s creatures and I really love these two eagles.
Just like a guy…at this very moment, Ozzie is rearranging twigs, etc around the nest….apparently, he didn’t like the way Harriet left the nest this morning! 😉
Have a great week-end!
Amazing, just so wonderful to have the web cam set up. It makes it so accessible to everyone.
So true Ross and it is also amazing at how many viewers are watching these eagles….
thanks for stopping by..
Hugs back at ya
I’m sorry to hear one of the chicks didn’t make it last year, Kari. I wonder if the other one survived after it left. I’m glad they returned, and I hope they keep coming back.
We were so glad they returned this year, Sandy….and hopefully both chicks will survive. Last year one of the chicks didn’t make it and it was sad, but that is the way of nature…and the Eagles moved on but returned again this year.
thanks for stopping by
Kari, like most wild life they return to their same mating spot year after year. Some wild life never leave the area where they are born because it’s home to them. The eagles are truly majestic and beautiful. I remember when did your blog last year on them.