A Little Bit of This…A Little Bit of That!
Good Morning my dear readers…
What a beautiful morning in our part of the world.
The temp is a little cool for Florida, 63 degrees at 11:00 a.m., but it is Winter after all. 😉 And it is overcast…no sun in sight, but tis promised by mid-day.
The Captain and I started the day early, in our Secret Garden…. enjoying our “Quiet Time”!
… and we especially enjoyed the soft cooing of the Turtle Doves in the early morning silence.
…and the fancy-in- flight, Cloudless Sulfur butterflies.
It was such a beautiful sight… as these pale yellow butterflies flitted and fluttered among the large, red Hibiscus flowers.
We decided to go out for breakfast and ended up at one of our favorite cafes …where we chatted with most of the staff and caught up on the news happening in their personal lives.
It is nice when they recognize you and feel comfortable to share. 🙂
(You should know I give them “pet names” also.)
We took “friendly guff” from “Shell”, which the dictionary defines as:
trivial, worthless, or insolent talk or ideas.
…AND teasing from “Kat” over my “regular” choice of pancakes, eggs, onions and pickles! (Another story for a different time)
We also promised to pray for “Windy Sue’s” sister in Michigan, who is going through a tough time.
The Captain had meetings this morning, so I decided to take a short drive down the coast.
What a beautiful sight looking out over the Gulf of Mexico waters, at this time of the day.
I just wanted to take a minute to breathe in and appreciate living in South West Florida.
The Sea Gulls were chattering and dipping into the calm sea. I am truly grateful 🙂
Arriving back home, I checked my email before working on this Post and saw that “SeaHawk Fan” (from Seattle) had sent me a quiz to determine “a true fact about you if you answer 10 unusual questions”
I normally don’t bother with quizzes like this one, but did it for grins and giggles.
According to this quiz…My True Fact is that I am Sincere!
It went on to say ” You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends. You are also unconventional and unimpressed by authority. Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives. You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You’re quite the storyteller!”
Really????? 😉 Not me!
Lets move on please…..
Did you know that in November of 2014, the Coca-Cola company introduced a new product called Coca-Cola Life?
Anyone who knows me, knows that my choice of sodas…should I drink one…is Coke!
So I was excited to try this drink at 60 calories per 8-oz. glass bottle!
It is sweetened with cane sugar and stevia, with no aftertaste.
Of course the best drink is water….but I have to admit, I did like it. 🙂
Finally, I would like to tell you about my fortune cookie.
The Captain and I had Chinese Take-Out a couple weeks ago and I do read the fortune cookie messages even though I don’t base my life on them.
To me, it is just something “fun” to do.
Anyway, I have to confess….this fortune cookie message was right on… and Yes, I believed every word.
Here is the message inside the cookie.
Even the writers of the “fortunes” have a sense of humor!
I love it!
Have a great day, my dear readers! 🙂
what a hoot.. I loved the fortune cookie… my type of quirky humour.
can I swap my 37 degrees with your 63 degrees please… its dropping to 30 during the night and I’ve fleeced my tropical plants in the garden and on the patio, with the exception of the hibiscus as I think I bought some that will survive a little frost… they still look alive but I guess I really should check the label.
Samantha bought me some fairy light strings from IKEA for my Christmas present (at my request)… but they can only be admired from the warmth of inside… Just need to work a plan of how to move the UK to a warmer latitude…
I love your secret garden.. it is just the perfect place to sit and have a quiet moment, as long as the no-see-ums aren’t around. However, I’d be happy sitting by your pool watching your crazy cat and …. what was that bird that sat in the tall trees????
Still loving your blogs
Hugs from across this frozen pond…
Do you know that we have not seen (nor felt) the no-see-ums since you left? It is wild, but they are nowhere to be found…not that I am looking!
The Captain and I have been sitting out there at different times…in mornings, daylight and evenings until about 9 pm…NOW,… I don’t know if they only come out after 9pm or that this is not “their season” or what their schedule is, ….I do know that you and I sat out there way later than 9 pm….perhaps that is “their time” 🙂
I think the bird you are referring to is the Mockingbird. They are grey and white…was that the bird? I know you know what cardinals and Blue Jays look like and they visit too.
Hugs back at ya and all your loved ones.
Thanks Sandy….
Lovely post, Kari. I enjoyed it.