Herb Gardens….
I love cooking with Herbs and I sorta like growing them.
The reason I said sorta like is because sometimes, Florida is not Herb Friendly!
And I don’t mean my neighbor Herb. 🙂 OK, sorry bad joke!
When we moved into this house, there was a huge mound of rosemary that made the whole garden smell like…well, kinda like licorice. (And Rosemary from across the street, I am not speaking about you either) 😉
Sorry, I just happen to have wonderful neighbors who happen to have Herb names.
But I digress.
I found a way to grow herbs with a special grow light that is supposed to be fool proof.
I am sure you have heard of hydroponic systems which are used to grow plants …and now herbs.
The herbs come in little containers that you place into the nutrient and water solution and then you set it and forget it and in a few weeks you are supposed to come away with abundant herbs.
The grow light (which can be raised and lowered) is on a timer….on for 16 hours, off for 9 hours.
I will keep you posted on how these herbs do in my utility room. 😉 You can see the progress they have made so far.
I currently have herbs growing outside…in the ground….chives, rosemary, cilantro, peppermint, basil and sage and they seem to be doing ok. I just love going to my Secret Garden and snipping off fresh herbs while I am cooking.
Picture this…..a pot of pasta water gently boiling on the stove. Me, in my flowered apron with a pair of scissors in the Secret Garden snipping basil for pesto, all the while strains of Pavarotti singing “La Boheme” drifting through the quiet morning.
See, I seem to find romance and day dreams while I am cooking for my Captain.
I also found this beautiful basket of Herbs at the Nursery last week and I absolutely love it.
I just couldn’t resist buying it and placing it on one of the stone benches in my Secret Garden!
The wire basket with handle is filled with Parsley, Thyme, Garlic Chives, Basil, Cilantro, Spearmint, and oregano….and has a metal “Herbs” label on the side of the basket.
Do you my dear readers like growing Herbs in little pots on your window sills?
I think it is time for ravioli…recipe to follow soon. 🙂
Thanks Donna and I certainly will check it out. I love how Herbs work with different meats….especially salmon with dill. I love and use chives regularly and garlic chives just kick it up a notch, don’t they?
thanks for stopping by…
Love your little basket. I have basil, dill, cilantro, and garlic chives. Fresh herbs do really kick up any dish. Have you ever checked out our companies’ website for herbs? My daughter and her husband are running the company now. She due to have a baby girl this week:)