I Can’t Find A Bank Anywhere! Not!
I am sure you, my dear readers ….have noticed when out and about….. the number of the same type of eateries that are sitting side by side or across the street from each other.
Of course, I do know there are those much smarter than I, who have figured demographics and such….. which usually promises newly established fast food places that …”if you build it, they will come”!
I am not sure that I agree with the concept of there being enough business for everyone in a one block area…but what do I know?
While living in Seattle, I did note…. there is at least one street corner with a Starbucks on each corner.
The same is true of Atlanta…only the four corners boasted Waffle Houses!
So given that this is the way to establish a new business, I couldn’t help but notice something similar, just a few blocks from our home on a very busy street.
Yep, not just one or two banks, but 8 banks.
So I had to ask the question…to nobody in particular….more just talking out loud to myself.
Why are there 8 banks on one street corner?
While there are only four corners to a street corner….these banks are more or less sitting beside each other….but yes, there are eight of them!
And if one drives down that same street, just a few more blocks….one will find duplicates, as well as a couple different banks!
Another interesting note….there are many more banks scattered in and about our city, but I don’t believe there are so many “gathered” in one spot like there are on this busy street.
The other day, the Captain and I were driving about and I decided to take a picture of each bank so I could post pics on this Blog.
I must say we did have a chuckle when we thought of the implications of someone taking pictures of banks in the middle of the day!
I have to confess that I did’t quite understand the name of the Fifth Third Bank….until I learned the Fifth Third traces its origins to the Bank of the Ohio Valley, which opened its doors in Cincinnati in 1858.
In 1871, that bank was purchased by the Third National Bank. With the turn of the century came the union of the Third National Bank and the Fifth National Bank, and eventually the organization became known as “Fifth Third Bank.”
See? You never know what bits of trivia you will learn from this Blog! 🙂
I guess my question is this: Is there enough money to justify so many banks in our little hamlet?
The answer must be “yes”….although I barely have enough for one bank! 🙂
Are there other cities with multiple banks or exact same businesses jamming up one street corner?… or is it only Seattle, Atlanta and our little corner of the world?
“Just sayin'”…“just curious”! 🙂
Have a great week-end my dear readers!
Just in case you were curious as to the connection of the pair of turtle doves in the featured image…there is none. I just took their picture because…well, just because! 🙂
Sandy says
It’s just like that here, too, Kari. Banks everywhere. Ron and I were just saying today how can all of them stay open? And around here, we have Bank of Weston, Liberty Bank, Platte County Bank, along with the more common banks like Commerce Bank, US Bank and Bank of America. And that’s not even counting all the credit unions like Community America Credit Union, American Credit Union and Montezuma Credit Union. I know I’m only touching on all the banks around here. lol
It used to be gas stations on every corner. lol
Kari says
yes and the gas station filled ‘er up and checked the tires and oil….haha…those days are gone now. thanks for stopping by Sandy! I hope you are feeling better. 🙂