Latest Bits and Pieces….
In this post, I am going to update you, my dear readers on a few topics that I have broached in previous posts.
How is that for saying …this is the latest? 🙂
1. First, I am sure you all remember the Ozzie and Harriet story of the two bald eagles nesting in Ft. Myers.
I have shown you pics of eaglets hatched AND I told you that Ozzie was injured and was away from the nest for the three months he was in rehabilitation. You can also see more on my “featured video” (upper right corner of my Blog)….as well as other posts (link below) I have made.
As I am sure many of you know, eagles mate for life and when Ozzie was released in June (and able to fly again)…he found the FV (frequent visitor) hanging out in and near the nest with Harriet. Or at least we think he saw the situation. He was released near the nest, but the last time he was photographed, he was hanging out in a tree and then he vanished.
Harriet is still keeping company with the very young and inexperienced FV. Although there are many days she does not return to the nest, which is normal for this time of year. Once in a while she will grab some nesting material….by herself or on the occasions FV is around, he tries to help, but he is just not as strong as Harriet, but she is teaching him well.
On August 3rd, “one of the watchers of the nest”…(the eagle cam is broken) posted this message and pics of Harriet…. and it appears to be the consensus of all watchers that Ozzie will return in October. In previous years, he and Harriet would travel around and away from the nest…but they always stayed in the area.
“Harriet Calls Out Amidst A Kaleidoscope Skyline 08-03-15”
“There was no gathering of nest materials this morning. Harriet appeared to be focused on something/someone else as she vocalized frequently and her eyes scanned the skies intently.” (FV is still hanging out too, see below.)
I believe Harriet stills calls for you – be safe and return strong, Ozzie.”
More to come……
2. Remember, when I told you that Dunkin donut does not make maple long johns here in SW Florida?
Well, that hasn’t changed…but a few weeks ago, I did find our supermarket had some in their bakery case. Now, I don’t normally buy donuts, but I did purchase a couple of these long johns, took them home… and was very disappointed when I bit down into an ooey gooey cream in the center …..that is not a long john! That is an eclair, isn’t it?
Oh well, I “forced” myself to finish eating the “maple long john”….well, some one had to do it! 🙂
3. How many of you remember eating baloney sandwiches? I grew up on baloney…. or as it is spelled these days, bologna.
My kids are not fond of this luncheon meat, in fact they have refused to eat it…times have changed ….but apparently, I haven’t! hehehe…guess I really am a little weird. 😉
I particularly like fried baloney sandwiches and I had a craving for them one day last week. So, I bought a “chunck” of baloney so I could slice off a big hunk..and I fried it in a little olive oil in a non stick pan. I had previously made potato salad, so I had a lunch of fried baloney and potato salad with a big slice of sweet onion. (I did leave off the bread….)
There is no recipe for this concoction my dear readers….just fry baloney to your desired doneness.
Some like it a bit charred and eat it that way for breakfast.
AND, I do like it for breakfast too….with eggs, hash browns and toast.
Well, that is the latest news for now….until tomorrow, have a blessed day! 😉
Luncheon meat giggle..
My sister used to cut it into smallish chunks and tell her daughter that it was “sweets”. I think this carried on until she started school. She still is a real meat eater especially Mortadella which I think must be like your Baloney sausage.
Hope Ozzie turns up again.
Hugs xx
How funny! I do believe that many of the “young” of today turn their noses up at baloney….but those of my era remember it well. 😉 I like your sister’s method of making it a “sweet”…it is amazing how we can manipulate our thinking, while still young, at least! 😉 (of course “cults” might argue differently, but that is another topic.)
Believe me, the “watchers” are scanning the skies for Ozzie….I, too, hope he returns. October should be the “tell”!
Luv ya
Sad about Ozzie leaving. I hope he comes back.
Oh yes, I remember fried baloney.
So do I…thanks for stopping by Sandy. 🙁