Report: Snowy Ice Hits House in SW Florida!
My dear readers…..
Let me be the first to tell you that I have actually seen snowy ice in SW Florida!
The problem is this snowy ice is not on the ground as one might think.
Have you got a minute? Then let me tell you my saga!
I promise it will be quick, because I have a list a mile long that I have got to get finished before the end of the day.
You see, the Captain and I are having our annual Christmas Open House Saturday…the 5th…and believe me when I tell you that it is creeping up fast and as I have already explained in a previous post….I still have Christmas boxes to unpack…decorations to put out.
Back to the snowy ice….
As I am working around… up and down the ladder….and we won’t take the time to discuss my aching knee joints from twisting and turning on a ladder….no, we will discuss the sweat pouring down my cheeks and my limp, damp hair clinging to my face.
My first thought is…I am just working so hard that of course, I will be perspiring.
So I pulled my hair into a pony tail and kept on working and kept on getting hotter and hotter.
I decided I needed a rest before I passed out,… so I grabbed a cold glass of water…decided to check the air conditioner thermostat… seriously considering turning the air conditioner to below the usual 78 degrees that we keep the temp in the house.
And yep! You guessed it….the temperature was 89 degrees and the thermostat was set on 78 degrees.
I walked outside to the air conditioning unit…guzzling my glass of water….glug! glug! glug! and welcoming the cool coastal breeze….but it didn’t take me long to discover something was wrong….. as the air conditioner unit was making an awful racket.
Of course, I called the repair service and they came out… about 5 hours later….meaning the guy arrived after 6 pm (overtime of course) and he began to tell me all the things wrong with this unit.
- the capacitor….I assume flux capacitor, because I remember that being discussed in the movie “Back to the Future”!
- the coil…because that was frozen…hence the snowy ice
- the motor…because it burnt out because of the coil being laden with heavy, snowy ice
- the mother board…because that was fried, because of the burnt out motor, because of the coil heavy-laden with snowy ice
I have to admit I was a bit confused, because the Captain purchased this new air conditioner only 1 1/2 years ago…at a considerable cost,… my Bucket List $6,000.00 per person train trip on the Orient Express from Bangkok, Thailand to Venice, Italy wouldn’t cost as much. The unit really shouldn’t have been having issues.
Of course we have a warranty…but it appears the warranty covers only the parts…not the labor of installing the parts or the shipping of the parts…..
You have got to be kidding!
Luckily, the parts were not far away….apparently they came in on a slow boat from China and it was our lucky day.
I’m joking of course!
Oh well, what can you do?
Pay the $1500.00 bill and smile and say please and thank you…..and Merry Christmas!
Tis the Season, after all.
I wish all of you good days in these few weeks leading up to the Holidays.
Hi Kari, Two of my very frugal and value conscientious friends used a neighbor of mine, Bill, who has an A/C business he calls Pro-Action Air (239-204-6959). They were both very pleased. Just another bee in your bonnet (or card in your Roledex).
thanks Donna….one can never have too many sources. The name and number have been duly noted.