My dear readers…I have a brief update on the Happenings of our famous eagles of SW Florida.
I am sure you remember past stories of Ozzie and Harriet or now it is Harriet and M15…in other words Harriet’s new mate.
Perhaps you recall that E8 had fishing line removed from his leg a while back and since that time…the two “little” eaglets…they are growing quite large as they stand on branches and “fledge” a bit….have appeared healthy and happy.
I will admit that E7 tends to get a bit gregarious in his play time with E8, but other than that…all appeared to be going well in Eagle Nest Land.
Until…yep! you probably suspected there was more information coming…after all, this is nature at its best, with the eagle cam observing each and every move of this Eagle family.
A couple days ago…E7 playfully jumped on the back of E8 and appeared to be playing a little rough. Not for me to decide as I said, this is nature.
Then, later in the evening as the two Eaglets sat perched on a limb….a Great Horned Owl swooped down and knocked them both to the ground.
There large owls are natural enemies of eagles.
Since daylight was gone….it was difficult to see what actually happened next, but the next day…E7 appeared back near the nest but E8 has not been seen.
No one knows if he is injured or if he is ok. One of the spotters thought they saw E8 fly clumsily into the woods behind the church.
Today is the 3rd day and still no sign of E8.
I will keep you posted as to what the Eagle Cam shows.
Have a great day….and we will hope for the best for the young eaglet. If you care to observe the nest, please click on the link below.
I hope the owl didn’t carry the little eaglet away, and he shows up unharmed.
I hope so too Sandy….More to come.
thanks for stopping by.