Today I am feeling…hmmmmm, I can’t really pinpoint my feeling or where it is coming from.
It is a feeling of well being, while still being a bit unsettled….and yet, I love the “alone” time.
It is a feeling of contentment with yet a bit of mystery coming from somewhere “out there”.
It could be the weather, as it is overcast right now….no sun in sight, and it is raining a gentle warm rain, which the weather man is attributing to a tropical storm in the gulf.
All of nature is saturated with moisture.
The palm fronds are swaying in the breeze that seems to be getting a little stronger and stronger before they suddenly die down and give out….. and the palm fronds come to a complete stand-still.
I am fascinated and mesmerized as I sit at my desk in the kitchen, looking out the patio door.
The wind picks up again and I find that a mysterious force is drawing me outside….
….So I enter my Secret Garden as sporadic raindrops splash against my face and the wind whips up my loose hanging strands of hair… causing me to contain it in the black band I have encircling my left wrist.
And now, what once looked like a bracelet of some sort is now wrapped around my hair forming a sort of pony tail.
I go down the steps to stand beside the fountain as the most beautiful and interesting clear little bubbles form with each drop of the rain that plops in the fountain.
They are beautiful, and perfectly round and float aimlessly on top of the water before bursting like a fireworks flare. I find this Fascinating!
I take pics with my IPhone which do not quite capture the beauty of these little bubbles as accurately as I would like.
After watching the bubbles for awhile, I think to check out the pool and waterfall on the lanai. Perhaps the little bubbles are forming there too and perhaps I can get a better picture.
I don’t claim to be a great photographer…but aren’t the most interesting pictures or paintings of nature simply amazing?
So, I went back through the house grabbing my camera and headed towards the pool area.
The rain had decided to be even more sporadic than the Secret Garden rain, but I sank into a cushion-y lawn chair just under the lanai canopy, camera in hand, just in case that perfect photo shot came up. AND I shot these photos of the pool.
As I said, it was a perfect time….a quiet time, a time alone with nature, just me and no one else….with the only sound being the rain drops falling softly…and the wind whispering through the palms. Soooo peaceful.
Have you ever had that feeling? Or am I the only weird one?
But then there was a sound to share the quiet of my reverie…and interrupt my solitude.
My head jerked in the direction of the sound.
It is a sound that I am almost sure you, too…. have heard many times before.
A cricket!
Have you ever noticed that in the early evening just as the darkness is emerging and daylight is fading, a multitude of crickets almost sound like a symphony?
It is actually kind of pleasant.
Their singing brings a smile to my soul! Their gentle, lulling sound appears to dance across the blades of grass and swirls around the night sky and you can almost hum along to their sweet melodies, while the fire flies (or lightening bugs as some call them)…blink their bright yellow bodies almost in tandem.
….when there is just one cricket inside your house, or in this case inside the courtyard….that particular sound of just one cricket…in my opinion, is just like the offensive white-noise static of an out-of-tune radio…
….and is very annoying because it is difficult to pinpoint just where the little bugger is.
Yep! He is tricky…
and clever.
First, I think he is over by the outdoor kitchen.
But when I go over there…
….he sings his little chirp over by the waterfall.
And just when I think I have pinpointed his location…
….he stops chirping.
The little cricket has stolen “my moment” with his distraction.
My personal slice of solitude….
And the rain has stopped.
And the palm fronds are still.
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