I love having guests at Villa de la Luna…in other words, I love having guests visit us in Florida…and in a couple of weeks our home will be filled with laughter, good food, funny stories but most importantly…just plain fun with family.
You see, the Captain and I will be entertaining 5 family members, showing off the sights and sounds of our fair city and just sitting by the pool with a lemonade or sweet tea watching (and joining) the two little ones as they splash and play in the pool.
Yes, it will be an enjoyable time and I will be loving every minute of it.
BUT, as we eagerly await our house full of family, we will also be preparing for the visit by making sure our guest rooms are in great shape and ready for our guests and here is how we do it.
I start this process about a week in advance of the guests arrival. This way I don’t have to rush around frantically at the last minute. After all, I want to enjoy our family and have fun as much as everyone else, so getting the guest rooms ready beforehand, will be the first on my “to do” check list.
I will be showing you the Turquoise Guest Room.
Clean the Bedding
I like to put clean sheets and pillow cases on my guest room beds at least a week before my guests arrive. I love that fresh washed smell and so do my guests. It is important to me, for my guests to know that they are sleeping in spotless and clean smelling beds.
And here is another tip: Having a good mattress that we ourselves would sleep on in the guest rooms. When a mattress is worn out, it should be thrown out and not be sent to the guest room. Of course, having said that, not every one will agree on each and every mattress….whether they are firm, not firm…soft, not soft, but at least we will not be giving our guests an old lumpy mattress that has been around for years and years.
AND the same can be said for pillows. I have foam, memory foam and down type pillows, so my guests have a choice.
Extra Blankets and a Ceiling Fan
Living in Florida, one may not need an extra blanket…but I still have blankets in the closet on a shelf or in a drawer, along with extra pillows. One is more likely to need a fan so we have ceiling fans with three speeds in every guest bedroom for our guests.
The Essentials
I am sure my guests are like me and appreciate a well appointed room.
So I make sure my guests have everything they may need for their stay.
I keep little baskets of things they might have forgotten like toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, shaving cream, feminine products, antiperspirant, comb, hairspray as well as a few meds such as Baby Asprin, Aleve, Tums, Floss, baby powder, etc.
This also includes soaps, shampoos, conditioners and scented body washes.
And I like to provide a bed tray which is always sitting on the bed for guests to use for whatever purpose they need. Some use it for jewelry storage and some use it for snacks.
I also have a box of tissues and a clock by the bed.
Most of us have our smart phones so don’t really need clocks but once in a while we have guests who are a little older who appreciate that little amenity.
And here is another tip I have found to be handy and that is to provide an extension cord! It is important to have enough outlets and plugs for guests to be able to “hook-up” their electronics.
My guests have commented that the guest bedrooms are like being in a hotel room…everything they need in one place.
Fluffy Towels
I have been slowly making white towels the norm at Villa de la Luna.
I used to have towels to match the 4 bathrooms so that when I washed and folded them, I knew immediately which bathroom they went in. But then I decided that I like the look and freshness of white fluffy towels and so I have plenty of white towels ready for my guests.
One of the perks of having 4 bathrooms is each guest room has it’s own bath so having fluffy, clean towels handy for guests is a no-brainer.
Also, white towels are easy to launder and it’s so easy to find fabulous high quality ones at deeply discounted prices!!! White towels are always on sale!
However, if your guests have to share a bathroom, I would suggest you put a few towels on a wicker cart or small table in their room, so they won’t have to ask you for clean towels. Just a thought.
Snacks and Treats
I also like to set out a small basket of smoked or roasted almonds, Ghirardelli chocolate, mixed nuts, trail mix, roasted pistachios, and a couple granola bars.
My guests love that there are a few munchies waiting for them when they get into their room as well as a TV, if they want to watch the news, etc.
I’ll also put a few small bottles of water near the basket on the day my guests arrive and replace them as needed throughout the visit.
I tell my guests to make themselves at home, but unless they are family, I find my guests are reluctant (no matter how much I insist) to raid the fridge when they are needing a late night snack….so I try to accommodate them with a few guilty pleasures.
Luggage Rack
In my opinion, there is nothing worse than being in a room with no place to put your suitcase, so I provide a luggage rack in each guest room.
Sometimes (most times) my closets are storing either coats for travel or other items as the closets are prime real estate when one does not have a basement. However, I clear out a “space” with hangers for guests who are staying for a few days.
I also try to have at least one empty drawer for storing their personal things.
And, I must tell you about the small hand-held steamer I keep in each guest room. These little steamers are perfect for removing a few packing wrinkles from clothing. And just in case one does not know how to use it….I keep the instructions handy. There is also a matching over-the-door hanger for whatever needs steaming.
Now, here comes the matchy-matchy stuff. I color coordinate the steamers for each guest room.
I want my guests to feel like they are in a 5 star hotel for conveniences….. but what the Captain and I mostly want is for them to feel at home.
Dust and Vacuum
Lastly, I dust and vacuum the room, including the window sills behind the plantation shutters, shine up the windows and give the bathroom a good cleaning. I want everything to be spit spot clean for my guests.
I also make sure there is a waste basket and towel racks for hanging wet towels and swim suits.
The Finishing Touch
Now this is my wheelhouse! I am the embellishment queen! Adding personal touches is something I love! love! love! to do!!!!
Sooooo, I like to add a vase or pitcher of fresh flowers to the guest room night stands. Nothing big, just a small bouquet.
I love fresh flowers! You can pick them from your garden or if you see some pretty roadside “weeds” such as sunflowers or bachelor buttons or tiger lilies, pick a small bouquet of them. Of course, you could always buy one of the little $5.00 grocery store bouquets! Flowers just shout out “WELCOME TO MY HOME”!
However, let me add that if my guests stay for more than 3 days, I must remember to change the water to keep the flowers fresh.
OR instead of flowers, perhaps I might put a small green plant on the night stand. A plant also works if guests might have allergies…and I like to suggest the guest take the small plant home as a gift from the Captain and Me.
Of course I have to have something in the room to remind my guests of my humor….such as the plaque below.
and no, I don’t expect my guests to make breakfast!!! 🙂
So my dear readers, that is how I prepare for my guests.
It gives me satisfaction knowing that they are thankful for my thoughtfulness and that is what being a good hostess is all about isn’t it?
Do you have Summer guests coming to your home?
If so, give me your hints on getting your guest room ready.
Hugs and Blessings Always
Oh wow! I want to come and live with you, Kari! Smile!
The door is always open Sandy….thanks for stopping by and the compliment.
You are so kind my dear friend….we loved your visits and consider you family too. Of course you are a perfect guest.
I know you must be enjoying your “little ones”…a new baby is soooo much fun…and being a grandmother is even better because you get to choose the time spent with the little ones. (well, most of the time) Be sure to say hello to Samantha and perhaps one day she can join you in a visit to Florida.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hugs Always….
Well my dear Kari, I can vouch for what a wonderful host you are and just how comfortable the turquoise room is. It is indeed worthy of 5 stars.
However you are right, it doesn’t matter how many times you say make yourself right at home, it is hard, as a guest, to bring oneself to seeking out the snacks… my concern was that I might set off the alarm! But you were nearly always up before me so that wasn’t a big worry… I remembered not to touch the external doors…
Also, given the amount of care you took of me, extra snacks were the last thing I, or my waistline needed.
I am 100% sure your guests will have an amazing time, especially the little ones as you and your Captain are amazing hosts and very loving people.
Enjoy the company and the opportunity to play and give the little ones lovely memories.
Hugs from across the pond xx