Christmas in July…don’t cha just love it?
The drying pole on the Lanai was looking a bit like a scarecrow.
This pole is a pole with four “arms” and was made to hold drying pool towels and swimsuits.
Somehow, the drying pole was beginning to look like the exercise bike in my bedroom.
Both of these pieces of equipment were dressing better than I do, ….if you get my drift!
(Wow! that phrase dates me doesn’t it?)
But I digress…back to the swimsuits hanging all over the pole.
It is true the Captain has swimsuits hanging there…correction, he has one swimsuit hanging there, but I….
…….I on the other hand, had 5 in various stages of faded-ness!
I swim most every day here in Florida,… and outdoor furniture, umbrellas and swimsuits fade…the sun really does a number on them!
……..of course, I would carefully rinse out all the chlorine in the outdoor sink before hanging suits on the pole to dry.
Conclusion? It was definitely time to consider purchasing a couple new swimsuits.
Never mind the embarrassment when “Only daughter” was visiting over the 4th of July last year and she had to literally use a hair tie to hitch up my get-a-long straps while we were swimming in the pool.
As a side note, I have also been cleaning out drawers and getting organized and finding ways to utilize more space and have a place for everything and everything in it’s place.
Example: I moved my exercise bike to my new office space. My bike no longer doubles as my clothes closet.
Another example?
I love throw pillows and they are in every room of my home. A friend asked me how do you store all those pillows?
The pics above are from my 4th of July living room decor.
As you can see there are a lot of throw pillows on the sofas and chairs.
My storage solution is simple.
I try to only buy pillow covers when I see a new pillow I like.
And I remove the insert from a pillow and put on a new cover for a change in season or look.
Some of my pillow covers are slide in type while others have zippers. I love them.
And storage is simple too.
I place the pillow covers in little plastic containers that I picked up at Target. These containers slide easily into my deep drawers and as the covers “stand up”, I can easily find the next ones to use.
No one would guess that I have over 50 pillows (covers) stored in that one little chest of drawers.
Linen napkins?
Same thing…stored by color.
Soooooo……What is the problem you may ask? Looks like you have everything under control, you say.
Well, not so much!
You see for reasons known only to anyone but me….and here comes the confession.
Apparently, I am not totally organized.
Not apparently,…..Truth!
I am NOT totally organized. 🙁
Remember the discussions of bathing suits way up there at the top of my post?
OK….now that we are back on track…..
……I was looking for scarves, particularly a red, white and blue scarf that ties around my neck.
I had sorta gotten away from wearing scarves, but as with all fashion…things come around again. I had stored my old scarves in a drawer in the guest bedroom.
And lo and behold I opened the bottom drawer and there were a plethora of swim suits!
Ok, maybe not a plethora, but there were at least ten of them.
And they fit! Well, one didn’t fit, but we won’t talk about how it shrunk in that drawer over time.
Things like that happen, you know.
So it was like Christmas in July for me!
Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?
Hugs and blessings always!
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