Sunday….and Irma is coming for a visit and no one in Florida wants to see her.
My dear readers I am writing this post from a hotel in Ft. Pierce, Florida on the east side of the peninsula of Florida.
The Captain and I decided not to hunker down and ride out the hurricane when we saw the eye of the hurricane move further west and the landfall expected to be near or over our little city of Cape Coral.
As I have said before, our home is pretty well built, but the storm surge expectation of 9-10 feet of water perhaps in our home was a large concern.
It is interesting to note that when everyone thought that Miami would be the first landfall….a lot of residents came to the west side of Florida. When the eye shifted, the western residents headed for the east coast of Florida.
So who knew or knows?
It is Sunday and we are usually in church. It feels strange knowing all church activities were cancelled last Tuesday. On a lighter note…today was the day that I was supposed to bring the snacks for our Sunday School Class…guess I am ok for at least another 3 months, which is what we schedule. 😉
Hurricane Irma has the lives of the people of Florida in a constant state of stress and perhaps a fear of what may or may not happen.
I am no different, I have many concerns also, especially concerns for the well being of those I know and love, in and out of the state of Florida.
Concerns for family.
Concerns for our country.
Concerns for our home back in Cape Coral…although possessions can be replaced, lives cannot as our governor keeps re-iterating in his talks to our citizens.
We have all felt similar fears in our lives when facing unwanted life events that can be very frightening.
However, we can use scripture to give us comfort, knowing that we are not alone and are certainly not the first to experience such fears.
There is a verse that gives me comfort and courage, Isaiah 41:13 tells us,
“For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, ‘Do not fear; I will help you.’ ”
Along with that verse is another. Phil. 4: 6-7 which says….
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.'”
So you see, we can find the hope and the help we need to get through any situation in which we are truly frightened.
This could be health issues, job related issues, family issues…anything.
The above Bible verses re-assure me.
I pray this prayer and I can be assured that He will give me peace.
Heavenly Father, when I am afraid, remind me that you hold my hand and give me peace. I am grateful that I can lean into your arms and find help when I am afraid. You are good to me.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
My prayers today on this Sunday, include all those who have fears and concerns not only for Irma and her visit today, but for anyone with life’s worries and stress.
Hugs honey. I hope your wonderful home and your friends survived with minimal storm damage. You were probably very wise not to risk riding out the storm even though your home is beautifully built and certainly looks strong enough.
Fingers crossed the water level doesn’t lap at your door.
Mega hugs from across the pond xx
By now you have received my email which was most likely hard to read…hahaha. House survived, a few trees did not. but we are safe. probably had too many trees in the garden anyway. Many did not fare as well. Prayers for them.