Do they ever listen?
I mean really listen?
I am talking about my wonderful, adult, grown up children.
Last year I sent this open letter to them about Christmas presents and I thought all was well and good.
It was.
For last year.
BUT, I have been hearing a few murmurings this year in regards to Christmas present for Mom.
Please forgive me, but I need to remind them…or perhaps it is their love that keeps them asking me that yearly question.
Perhaps it is the way I raised them.
And if that is the case!
However, lets review this situation again.
Today, I want to talk about Christmas in the Kitchen and …..yep, my inner thoughts on Christmas Presents from my children and grandchildren.
Let’s start at the beginning.
I have loved to decorate for Christmas and all Holidays since I first had little ones running underfoot. And I love to decorate every room in my home. My children come to expect it as that is what they grew up with. I am no expert on any of it….I just do what I like.
For years I had a white flocked tree all decorated with glittery blue ornaments and twinkling lights. I remember two of my sons (on two separate occasions and in different cities) bringing spouses and future spouses to the house and saying something like;
“Now THIS is what a Christmas Tree is supposed to look like!”
Of course I immediately explained that people like different looks and an all red tree or a multi colored tree was just as pretty as an all blue tree.
I am chuckling as I remember those events.
Which leads me to talk about presents.
These days most of us adults have everything material that we want. And our children and grandchildren have bedrooms that look like a Toys R Us showroom.
I know there are little needy children who are wanting special presents, which is why the Captain and I buy presents for mystery families, Seniors and children of our fair city and take them to our church, The Salvation Army and other gift givers. Those are special cases.
However, today I want to talk to my family… my children and grandchildren.
Every year I hear this question.
“Mom, What do you want for Christmas?
My reply is always the same….
“I don’t need anything!”
But that is not quite the truth….there is something I really want…and as the years go by, I find I am wanting and needing it more and more.
So this post is going to be directed to my children, perhaps you my dear readers can relate with your own children.
To my beautiful and wonderful children and grandchildren:
You ask me what I want for Christmas, let me begin by telling you what I don’t want.
I don’t want a life, like the lyrics of the song “Cat’s In The Cradle”!…where the Father is too busy for his child and then the child as an adult is too busy for the Father.
It is so simple, you see, I want you….and my grandchildren to keep coming around.
I want us to talk together about things that matter to you and things that are happening in your life. Just talk to me.
I want to hear your voice. I want you to ask me questions and I want to give my advice and my opinions. Tell me your problems or what is concerning you at the moment, I want you to ask for my help whether you take the advice or not. You will at least hear what I have to say.
I want to know about your work. Are you happy in what you are doing? Do you have any worries? Tell me about your spouses, your kids and their kids. Tell me about your dogs and cats and birds and other critters. I just want to hear your voice and feel a part of your lives.
Rant and rave about life or be upbeat about all your Blessings. Just talk to me and spend time with me, physically preferred …but phone calls are good too! Believe me I know how difficult it is to find time for phone calls and face times, I’ve been there too. You all lead such busy lives.
I want you to laugh with me or laugh at me. I really don’t care. Over the years you have made me laugh over something silly I have done or something someone else has done. I want to hear your laughter, like when you were a child. One of you (and you know who you are) laughs at the drop of a hat, literally…and your laughter warms my heart. Another of you (and you know who you are) relates funny stories and I laugh so hard that my jaws ache when I get off the phone. And another of you (and you know who you are) never ends a phone call or text without saying “I love you” and worries about me on the days when I am alone! (I must not forget a grand child who texts me smiles and happy faces daily and two who texts me sports data).
It pleases me to see you make yourself at home even though this home is in Florida and not the home you grew up in. Open the fridge and search for something to eat or for that Dr. Pepper. I don’t care how long the fridge door is held open. I’m just glad you are here when you visit and I am sad when you go.
I am so proud of the adults you have become. If I had buttons on my clothes, they would pop! I would like to think I had a part in the person you each have become.
So when you ask, “Mom, What do you want for Christmas?” ….
I want you.
I have everything I need. I don’t “NEED” you to spend your hard earned money on something frivolous for me….unless of course you want to give me a gift card for a movie or dinner out. 🙂 just jokin’…needed to say something light to stop the tears.
Seriously, You are the gift that keeps on giving every time you call me or visit me. I want all my children and grand children happy and healthy which I am sure each of you understand more now as you have children of your own.
I am truly Blessed, so please my sweet ones…just keep doing what you have been doing all through the year.
That is the most wonderful Christmas present any Mom and Dad can ask for.
Instead of the negatives in the song “Cat’s In The Cradle”, I will suggest the song “All I Want For Christmas Is You!”.
Love, Mom
(Click here If you don’t remember the lyrics to “Cat’s In The Cradle” and “All I Want For Christmas” here)
So now that we have that all straightened out.
I just want to say…..I love you!
And I love each of my dear readers.
You are amazing!
Awe you made me cry😢. That’s all I wish for is for you to be happy. Hugs and kisses 😘😘😘love you mom💙💙💙
I love you too my sweet daughter. Thank you for supporting me and this blog, your loyalty means the world to me! Hugs and kisses always
From the other side of this, my MIL feels the same, but it makes it very hard for us to do anything for her, which is monumentally frustrating. Consider giving them some kind of guideline, perhaps framed pictures of themselves, tickets to something you can share, a favorite coffee blend or something similar. There is no way we wouldn’t send something to her, and her saying “I don’t need anything” just makes it harder for us to try to please her. Consider that allowing someone to do something for you is a form of a gift to them, you are allowing them the pleasure of giving.
All good points Carole, I didn’t think about it in that way. And it is true the giving gives pleasure, I know I loved seeing the faces of loved ones receiving. However, now that we live in Florida and there are so many “multi” families, I miss seeing the receivers actually receive the gift. Thank you for your food for thought. Merry Christmas!
Amen Sistah!!!! Perfect thoughts put into words. I bet there’s not a grandmother out there that doesn’t relate to every word you just wrote. Gives me an idea about sending something similar to my children…so thanks for that!
Isn’t it the truth? All we really want is to feel their love back. And makes me wish I had shown my mom and daddy more physical love when I had them. Hindsight and lessons learned, I say. Sometimes we just have to be told—and you did that magnificently!!
thank you Janey…I, too wish my parents were still alive. I miss my Mom every single day. thanks for stopping by.
This is still just perfect. Happy holidays Kari. Much love to you and your Captain xxx
I will write as soon as I find a way off this ferris wheel😁
Thank you my dear friend….I understand where you are and I want you to know…we love you. More to come….
I really like your pictures of your house and Christmas decorations. I especially like decorations that aren’t over the top, simple but classy which yours are. I can really relate to What you want for Christmas, to be close to our kids (and grandkids) to talk, laugh, share funny, sad, proud moments. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
thank you Linda, I appreciate your comments and family is what should be important for us, shouldn’t it… thanks for stopping by. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Just perfect Kari, perfect words, perfect sentiments. I’m sure your family love you to bits and appreciates all the happy times with you and the wonderful memories.
Hugs honey from across the pond x
thanks Ross and I am sure your family feels the same way about you. I am sure those two grandchildren are adoring their grandmother. Always hugs right back at you.