I just left the cold tundra (read that “Midwest”)…and it snowed the day we left….but upon arriving at the airport in SW Florida, I did a little twirl around much like Mary Tyler Moore and tossed my stocking cap in the air, as I traded UGG boots for my familiar flip flops….thankful for the 77 degree temps.
Being a Kansas girl, I kept uttering the words, “There is no place like home”.
So what does a Midwestern born and raised know about French Living in SW Florida?
The answer?
Plus, I don’t know that you can call French Doors, French Living.
I mean, really?
A set of doors and all of a sudden I am living as the French do?
Not hardly.
I don’t think you can call the addition of a set of French Doors, French anything.
Sorta like a French fry.
It is a potato folks…that has been deep fried!!!
I know I could be nitpicking, but if one were to describe my decorating style…it is not considered French Country Cottage or French Provincial, but more of a mix between Spanish/Mediterranean meets Whimsical Glam meets Traditional Comfy meets ……whatever makes Kari happy today!
I know……right?
Seriously, I am talking about French Doors…which could just as easily be called Mediterranean or Spanish Doors, as I have noticed the same type of doors on that type of architecture.
My dear readers, I am so excited to show you these doors.
They were a long time coming as I had been budgeting for years.
You see the existing patio door worked just fine.
And I am of the opinion that if it ain’t broke….don’t fix it.
The only thing wrong with it, was every now and then it “stuck”, but with a not so gentle tug and shove…it did the job it was intended to do.
It was a cosmetic thing for me.
Plus, my patio doors were custom!
Of course they were.
Everything in this house was built by the builder… who built the house for himself and he customized e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.
So, no standard patio or French doors here, and what would normally cost about $600.00-$800.00 at your local Home Depot or Lowes…
…….were now the cost of an economical brand new car.
I have loved the romance of French Doors since I was a little girl and the French doors I have fantasized about, would replace a sliding patio door that leads out into my Secret Garden.
You already know what a dreamer I am.
As the Captain says…”it doesn’t take much to excite you!”
OK, nuff said.
The formal dining room is sporting a big improvement now.
I should say the formal dining “area” because my kitchen/living room/dining room/dining nook/hall area is one big happy family.
(Please excuse thee IPhone photos…I didn’t think the installers wanted me to bring out all the camera equipment and umbrella lights, etc to get in their way…. because they know what they are doing and they move fast.)
Sorry, I digress.
Definitely our home is an open concept.
Now, an open concept with French Doors.
I want to add that I am not sponsored by anyone except the Captain, who paid the bill in full.
Although, there might be a string or two attached …..LOL But that is between him and I.
The doors are up but now we wait for the home inspectors.
Yes, in our quaint SW city…one has to have a permit before doing anything.
So the finishing touches like the little white circles that cover the screw heads, removal of the window sticker detailing the impact windows and a few pieces of trim wait until the inspector comes around.
Oh, and I have to present the inspector with the large bag of permits when he or she arrives in ‘up to two weeks’.
If I lose the permit bag, the Captain and I have to pay the city a fine of $150.00.
Sérieusement, vous devez vous moquer de moi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, the French just came out of me...it must be this French Living in SW Florida.
Do you have French Doors in your home?
Do you prefer them over patio doors?
I have to say that I do have two sets of double doors, but they do not have the grids that I love….so I don’t consider them French Doors.
And yes, they are both custom over sized doors.
One of the installers when approaching one set of massive doors said; “Please tell me these are NOT the doors we are replacing.”
I made his day when I assured him “No”!!!!
Have a Blessed Day.
Oh la la Kari, beautiful French doors!
oui merci madame! 🙂
Your new doors are great! We had sunroom doors replaced with French doors. They made our all-American cookouts much easier to pass from the courtyard to the kitchen and back. 🙂
You are right Rita so much easier. On the opposite walls, We have huge sliders that slide back into the walls in a “U” shape around our court yard and I would love to replace them too. However, the Captain loves the open-ness and the extension of the living spaces into the court yard/pool area. Which I have to admit is ok when they are all wide open, but when I am looking at a closed plate glass…not so much.
Take a break every now and then my friend….don’t wear yourself out with this move and I know that is easier said than done. Hugs
I love your posts, they’re so lighthearted and funny. When I was a little girl we lived in a home that had French Doors and to me they were just doors. Now, I drool over them all the time and I love that yours look right at home. Our monstrosity of a sliding patio door is a pain in the rear and I’d take French Doors any day over them.
Thank you Sandra…most patio doors are about 60in X 80in (or about 5X6 feet) My doors are 108in X 84 in (or about 7X9 feet)…sizes not available at local box stores or if they are they are so expensive….which is why I “put up” with my patio door for years. Plus, the Captain didn’t really want to install them himself so we found a window and door company to do it all. I look at them every day and sigh….so happy to have them. thanks for stopping by.
I love love love them! Now I want some!
Seriously, they are gorgeous!
Thanks Nancy, things like this get me really excited as it changes the whole look of that dining area. I decided to also change my dining table. I flipped it from east/west to north/south and it gives a different perspective.
That is so fun!
Can’t wait to see the progress.SW Florida is beautiful.
We really love it here Cookie. I think my blood has thinned because I get cold so easily when I go back to the Midwest. Thanks for your comments. 🙂
You are so funny! I don’t know why they call them French doors either! I have some door issues at my house, too, but that is for another day! I am glad you have your new doors and are happy with them, they look lovely!
Thanks Chloe…don’t you love when you really like a new look? I even flip-flopped my dining table to sit north/south rather than east/west and it is like a whole new scene. Hugs sweet friend.