Wow! I didn’t think it would be this long between posts….forgive me dear readers.
I will give you a quick update with more to come later.
I am preparing for my third round of chemo…each chemo session begins at the Cancer Center, where I get hooked up to IV tubes that spend the next 4-5 hours shooting the “poison” into my body.
I receive 4 different chemos at this time.
At the end of the 5 hours, the nurses hook me up with a “pump” that will continue to shoot the different chemos into my body with the use of the port.
I get to take this home with me and for the next three days, the chemo is surging through my body.
After three days, I return to the cancer center to have the chemo drip pump removed…and my body gets a few days to recoup.
Now here comes the best part….
I have blood work done weekly.
Normally with chemo treatments, the white blood cells and red blood cells …and all the other parts of the blood work drop in counts dramatically.
Which becomes another area to treat.
My Oncologist continues to be amazed that all my bloodwork is very close to normal.
Yesterday, she commented again that she would almost think I am not receiving the chemo treatments.
Believe me dear readers….I AM receiving all the chemo treatments, and it is not easy.
I just smiled at her and told her I am not surprised.
God is holding my hand…and taking care of me.
You know God never promised us life would be easy, but He did promise to walk with us during times of trials or tribulation.
If you remember a story from the Old Testament….Daniel in the lion’s den?
Daniel still had to go into the Den, but not a hair on his head was touched by a Lion. Daniel chapter 6.
Or what about the fiery furnace and the three men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego who went into the furnace with nary a touch of fire to their bodies. Daniel chapter 3.
I have to tell you about my first chemo treatment at the cancer center.
There are so many sweet ones battling a cancer of one kind or another and they all come to the center and we sit in recliners hooked to IV drips .
I am there a long time and of course I have to make a trip to the bathroom….which means pushing my IV holders (which is on rollers)with me.
So as I am inching across the floor, I have to stop and rest and make sure all my tubes are still connected.
I looked around at a few of the other patients as they are watching me intently.
I surveyed the room and I asked in a loud voice if they all wanted to get out of here?
I continued by saying…”there are only 4 nurses and I believe I can take them, if you guys all want to bust out.”
They smiled and some laughed out loud…and then I said, “well, maybe later, I’m tired right now and I am on a mission.”…and I continued on to the bathroom.
My sweet readers, thank you for all your emails, cards and encouragement you are sending to me.
The journey still lies ahead and will most likely get worse before it gets better.
But no matter the outcome, I want you to know that I am truly Blessed by all of you.
Phil 1: 3, 4: “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy”
Thank you Pam, Bonnie, Jenna, Candis….what sweet blogger friends you are.
Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31.
Making others laugh in the midst of your pain and anxieties…well, knowing you, I would expect nothing else. That’s why people love you and your blog…you’re one amazing lady.
What glory you are bringing to HIM through your times at the center, and through you blog posts here, Kari! I mist over and giggle through your posts, and I continue to pray for you through this. Hugs and love. (One of my employees here at work is awaiting results of his colonoscopy… it does not look good. Prayers for him, as he does not have the same Hope as we do… yet.)
Kari, thank you so much for being transparent and open about this! So many of us out here that haven’t been through what you are going through wonder. We wonder a lot! We wonder what it will be like if we have to take this detour in life. We wonder how to help a friend that is on this road. We may even wonder why God allowed this. I recently shared this post over on the blog: Can I just write these letters to you today as well? I will be praying for your recovery and healing and that God will give you many divine opportunities in the mean time. God is good! Take care!
Kari, Thank you for the update. I think of you so often and pray many times during the night and day for you. You are truly an inspiration and an example and witness for all of us.
I pray God’s richest blessings and protection for you and I send you a big hug!
Kari I will be praying that you get better soon. I love your fighting spirit!!
My dear Kari.
Know that my church group is still praying for you. I pray for you everyday. I know through prayer all things are possible. Keep strong and with prayer you will get through this. You have many who ate praying for you. We all live you.
Kari, I know that your heart’s desire is for God to receive glory, and I know He is. Your faith is a testimony to all and your sweet spirit is amazing! Praying for you sweet friend. Sending my love and hugs❤️
Kari, Thank you for keeping us updated because you’ve been in my prayers and thoughts and I’ve been wondering how you’re doing ❤️
Kari: Thanks for the updates. I think about calling and then realize it’s about 10:30 pm your time. I also know that you may not be available or up to talking. By blogging you get your message across to so many. Your comical & descriptive way of relating everything is probably the best “dose of medicine” for all of us. By reading your blogs I’m inspired by your faith, your sense of humor & your amazing calmness throughout this whole ordeal. Please keep us informed through your blogs when you can. Also email me, text or call whenever you can. Much love, Janet
Stay strong and hang on in there honey. You are an amazing woman and strength and love are on your side.
Kari, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I specifically pray for peace, strength, comfort and healing. God will get you through this; your faith is strong! Please know you are loved! Love and hugs sweet friend!
Hello, Kari. I am so sorry to hear of your ordeal. I have been traveling this summer and don’t get much chance to read e-mail or therefore, your blog. I would love to chat or visit when you are up to it. I originally put an entry in my calendar to call you but I have been through chemo and know there are a lot of times when you just don’t feel like talking so I will leave it to you. I’m adding you to our Sunday School Prayer List and will keep you in my prayers.
Please let me know if you need anything, food, company, a driver to appointments?
Dear Kari, you have so many people pulling for, praying for and standing in the gap for you. In the midst of it all you are a true warrior. Remain faithful and in prayer and know that you are loved ❤
Thank you for sharing with us, you are amazing that you can crack a joke in the treatment area! Your faith is an inspiration and I continue to send prayers and love…Prayers work, I know from experience…💕
You are a trooper Kari! Please do not apologize for not blogging. You have bigger fish to fry. We are still here pulling for you everyday.
P.S. WE miss seeing you,!!!!!
Kari, you are such an amazing soul! Your faith is an inspiration to all. I suspect you don’t like me very much, but I want you to know you are continually in my prayers and I have submitted your name to our prayer list at church. Like you, I believe in the miraculous power of prayer. Hang in there, Girl!!
oh sweet PJ….nothing is further from the truth. I love you. thank you for praying for me and for submitting my name to your church prayer group. Miracles happen even today. hugs, Kari
Kari, thank you for these updates….You continue to be on my mind. I’m so tickled you said your bloodwork is almost normal…God is hearing prayers!! Continued prayers for you sweet friend. HUGS~
Dear Kari
I am remembering you in my prayers each night. I always smile when I say your name. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I know not everyone wants to talk about their illness and not everyone wants to hear about others’ illness, but I love to hear from inspirtaional people. I hope that I can be one if it happens to me. Take care of yourself and keep laughing in the face of pain when you can and accept yourself when you can’t. hearts and hugs and prayers to you and your Captain. x x
I had a hard time sleeping last night, Kari. As I lay in my bed, mind racing, I started thinking about you, and a few others, with intention. Then I started to pray. Peace comes with prayer. You are a warrior. ❤