Hello dear sweet friends….
I have to tell you that I feel really good today!
In fact, since the doctor’s have modified my chemo into a ‘not as strong dosage’…I am almost feeling normal, or as normal as one could feel with just a little “sickness”.
The most important part is, I am beginning to feel ‘feelings’ again, if you know what I mean.
There is still such a long way to go, but I am hanging in there…not knowing what lies ahead other than I am not alone.
In one of my devotionals today, the quote was: “When God places a burden upon you, He places His arms underneath you” and I am clinging to that promise.
His arms are underneath me.
I can “feel” it.
And life goes on…altho I don’t ‘feel” I have to meet a bucket list or do anything special…your priorities change as I am sure many of you have experienced anytime there is a life crisis.
But today I want to focus on feeling good.
The Captain and I got up and went to church on Sunday and that felt so “normal”.
Of course, I wore a face mask and did what I call the ‘Royal Wave” of my hand to/at many of our friends at church….who knew of my weakened immune system.
It felt so good to be a part of a church service again.
It is the little things, dear friends…. and I laughed.
I laughed a lot.
And it felt good.
A couple of the sweet ladies from church have brought me chicken broth from time to time, as well as other good eats…such as bananas, rice, applesauce and toast (B.R.A.T.)…which, just so you know are good controllers of a few bodily functions.
Sorry if that is too explicit.
And when one of the ladies asked what I would like to eat next week, I was not above saying a chocolate meringue pie.
I know!
I am Shameless I tell you. LOL
Just saying!
There are ‘perks’ going on here.
Seriously, these dear sweet ladies have been by my side each time I have needed nourishment and to hear them say I have color back in my face, gave me such joy.
They are the unsung heroes in my book.
And I love each and every one of them.
So good news is the word of the day.
I won’t know of any changes in the growth of the cancer for a few more weeks, but I am responding without the nausea and a few other ugly side effects.
Praise God and all the prayer warriors who have not given up on me.
Thank you sweet bloggers and friends.
There is one side effect that has decided to surface, and I understand many have this, although I had not experienced it until recently.
It is my sensitivity to cold.
This means if I open the fridge or freezer…my hands get very cold.
So, I have to use gloves or my hands “burn” from the cold air.
Strange, isn’t it?
Everything I touch should be at least room temperature or very warm or hot.
However, that is minor side effect…but still something to remember.
Who else keeps mittens near the fridge????
I am still receiving cards and I enjoy reading them over and over again.
I know there are so many people praying for me and I can feel it as I go through each day.
I am so very thankful that I am able to tolerate this new modified chemo and so very grateful for all the every day things we/I take for granted.
I am so thankful I have the energy to get up and go into the kitchen or to any room in the house, because there was a time, I couldn’t do that.
I thank God for each and every plateau He leads me to.
Here is a lovely poem by Elizabeth Cheney…..
Said the Robin to the Sparrow:
“I should really like to know
Why these anxious human beings
rush about and worry so.”
Said the Sparrow to the Robin:
“Friend,I think that it must be
That they have no Heavenly Father
Such as cares for you and me.”
Hugs and blessings always and I love you!
Thank you for your continued prayers and well wishes.
Until next time.
Oh Happy Day!!!!!
I am so glad that you are feeling a bit better.
Kari, I’m glad to hear you’re doing better. I’ve been on vaca for a couple weeks without internet access (purposefully) so I haven’t been able to keep up with your progress but was so happy to read this today. I’d love to send you one of my books! I sent you an email before I went on vaca about that but haven’t heard back. I hope I didn’t miss your reply!
I know that poem!
Liberty @ B4andAfters.com
Praise God you are feeling better my friend!!
I am always so happy to see an update from you!!
Prayers for you are always sent each and every day!
Kari, so happy you are feeling a little better. Continued prayers. Love and hugs~
Dear Kari, so glad to hear you were able to go to church and laugh. What a blessing that is for you. My dear friend, I’m keeping you in my prayers. Your positive attitude will get you through this Kari. Love and hugs!
Kari, it is always so good to get an update from you. I am so thrilled that you are feeling better and are able to move about and go to church. You are a blessing to everyone that knows you. You are a trophy of His grace my friend. Love, hugs, and most of all prayers. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
Kari, You’re always in my prayers and thoughts. I’m happy to hear that you’re feeling a bit better and that you continue to get good news on any medical reports.
Kari, here I am in my leaba /Irish for bed/ so many miles away but so connected. I was thinking about you and then checked my emails and now I’m happy because you are feeling much better. Being sick stinks. I speak as one who is feeling sorry for myself with a head cold and a sore and bruised bum from slipping on the stairs and whacking it off bottom stair. I know! minor! I’m praying for you every night Kari. God bless you and your darling Captain
Kari, I am constantly thinking of you and cheering for you every day! You are such a brave and inspirational woman! Your constant positivity will continue to heal you and make you strong, I have deep faith…
Kari love you posts. Sorry this journey is not what you wanted but I too feel God is with you and has his arms around you all the time. hang in there dear friend.
Glad to hear you are feeling more normal and having good days to enjoy.
You are so uplifting Kari and I’m happy to hear that you’re having good days. Continued blessings to you my friend♥
Your posts are such a blessing to me. I’m glad you have been feeling a little better.
I will keep praying for you. Keep up the good fight.