“Lift up your eyes on high, and see who has created these things.” Isaiah 40:26
‘First Light’….IS my favorite time of day!
‘First light’ is the time in the early morning when light first appears and before the sun’s actual rise.
I love ‘First Light’, and to me it is more pleasant than the actual sunrise, which is beautiful in its own right.
God’s Nature is at its best at this heavenly hour called ‘First Light’.
Let me try to describe what I see and feel.
It is when the first golden rays of the sun, s-l-o-w-l-y begin to “color in” the soft, muted colors of the very early morning, into a brighter coloring of the clouds, oceans, meadows, valleys and mountains. (depending on where one is)
‘First Light’ marks the beginning journey of the sun in the sky as it moves toward the horizon.
I read the term ‘First Light’ in 1994 when reading the first of author Jan Karon’s “Mitford Series” books…. and it has “stuck” with me ever since.
I like to be up and about at ‘First Light’, as did Father Tim, (from the book series)
Father Tim mentions ‘First Light’ several times in each book. It is when he starts his day.
Who is Father Tim you may ask?
Father Tim is an elderly Episcopal parish priest, living in a small village of North Carolina. according to this fictional book series.
The book series has long since ended…but ‘First light’ became and is still a part of my personal daily routine.
You will find me sitting in one of my outdoor spaces with my first cuppa hot tea or coffee as the late evening skies begin to show muted light rays of the beginning of a new day.
The sky is so beautiful at that early morning hour, just before the sun comes up..
It is when I have my quiet time… and I also check my Daytimer for appointments, meal planning and other things.
(These days I might tend to forget appointments such as doctor’s visits or I could forget someone’s birthday, ….(I blame it on “Chemo Brain”)….my Daytimer keeps me more organized.)
Usually, the only early morning sounds I hear, are the soft cooing of a pair of turtle doves who reside in my ficus hedges.
I love that.
And yes, I say ‘good morning’ to them out loud.
As I sit here, wanting to put pen to paper for this post, (so to speak)…I reminisce about how this book from so many years ago influenced my joy regarding this early morning hour.
Example: When I first entered married life… (seems like a hundred years ago)…I liked to sleep late.
That changed of course when I had to join the working force and when I had children, but Saturdays were always a “sleep late” morning.
And now, I am what one might call an early morning person.
A very early morning person and I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Father Tim for introducing me to ‘First Light’ !!! (perhaps you might call it dawn)
May I share a bit of this book series with you?
Below is the synopsis of the first book.
“Enter the world of Mitford, and you won’t want to leave.
It’s easy to feel at home in Mitford. In these high, green hills, the air is pure, the village is charming, and the people are generally lovable.
Yet, Father Tim, the bachelor rector, wants something more. Enter a dog the size of a sofa who moves in and won’t go away. Add an attractive neighbor who begins wearing a path through the hedge. Now, stir in a lovable but unloved boy, a mystifying jewel theft, and a secret that’s sixty years old.
Suddenly, Father Tim gets more than he bargained for. And readers get a rich, provincial comedy in which mysteries and miracles abound.”
The following are a few reviews of this series.
“The central character is a priest—does this mean the book is preachy? No, it isn’t, but at the same time it has a large amount of religious content. References are made to passages in the Bible. One returns many times to the value of faith and prayer, not as a lecture, but simply because it is in these terms that Father Tim thinks.”
pg. 165 “Do you like the fall of the year?”
The man gave an odd laugh. “Why?”
“One of the things that makes a dead leaf fall to the ground is the bud of the new leaf that pushes it off the limb. When you let God fill you with HIs love and forgiveness, the things you think you desperately want to hold on to start falling away… and we hardly notice their passing.”
pg. 172 “For a long time afterward, he sat by the fire, feeling the joy of Christmas, and knowing with unsearchable happiness that Christ did, indeed, live in his heart. Not because he was a “preacher.” Not because he was, after a fashion, “good.” But because, long ago, he had asked him to.”
pg. 229 “Rain again! he thought, as he put the tea kettle on. But every drop that fell contained the promise of another leaf, another blossom, another blade of grass in the spring.”
pg. 278 “Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established.”
pg. 288 Uncle Billy shook his head. “Y’ know, Preacher, th’ more things you own, th’ more you’re owned by things…”
pg. 362 “How could he have considered taking Monday off? Monday was the diving board poised over the rest of the week. One walked out on the board, reviewed the situation, planned one’s strategy, bounced a few times to get the feel of things, and then made a clean dive. With out Monday, one simply bombed into the water, belly first, and hoped for the best.”
Here are a few of my favorite quotes from the book series.
- “But “common sense is not faith,” Oswald Chambers had written, “and faith is not common sense.”
- “Thank you, God, for loving me, and for sending your Son to die for my sins. I sincerely repent of my sins, and receive Christ as my personal savior. Now, as your child, I turn my entire life over to you. Amen.”
- “Father Tim: Know that God has a plan for your future. Watch and wait for his timing, and when it comes, hitch a ride. You’ll know.”
- “Listening is among the most generous ways to give. When a loved one talks to us— whether their words appear to be deep or shallow— listen. For in some way, they are baring their souls.”
- “Stop trying to protect, to rescue, to judge, to manage the lives around you . . . remember that the lives of others are not your business. They are their business. They are God’s business—even your own life is not your business. It is also God’s business!’ Frederick Buechner”
Sigh,… Memories are stirred up as I look through and re-read passages in these old books.
I love re-visiting each and every one of them.
You might ask how I came upon this Book Series so many years ago and I shall tell you. 🙂
A dear friend of mine gave me a Christmas present of three little, 3 inch snowmen with sticks for arms and she said they are ‘Mitford snowmen.’
I didn’t know what ‘Mitford snowmen’ were and she explained they were from the Mitford Book Series.
I bought the first book in the series, “At Home in Mitford”…a paperback… and I was hooked.
I still have the little snowmen and I put them out every Christmas ….and each time I do, I think of my friend, Tamea.
Thank you Tamea!
And now, my dear readers….since I have been typing this post, the ‘First Light’ of this day has given way to a full, rosy-glow sunrise…so so pretty.
‘Every Day is a Fresh Start’…..as it says on the cover of my Daytimer.
A new beginning…after ‘First Light’.
If you are interested, below is a list of Jan Karon’s fictional Mitford Series books….and no, I don’t receive anything for the ‘plug’.
I really have enjoyed these books.
Have a good and Blessed day my dear friends, no matter what time you start your day. 🙂
At Home in Mitford(1994)Hardcover Paperback KindleA Light in the Window(1995)Hardcover Paperback KindleThese High, Green Hills(1996)Hardcover Paperback KindleOut to Canaan(1997)Hardcover Paperback KindleA New Song(1999)Hardcover Paperback KindleA Common Life(2001)Hardcover Paperback KindleIn This Mountain(2002)Hardcover Paperback KindleShepherds Abiding(2003)Hardcover Paperback KindleLight from Heaven(2005)Hardcover Paperback KindleHome to Holly Springs(2007)Hardcover Paperback KindleIn the Company of Others(2010)Hardcover Paperback KindleSomewhere Safe with Somebody Good(2014)Hardcover Paperback KindleCome Rain or Come Shine(2015)Hardcover Paperback KindleTo Be Where You Are(2017)Hardcover Paperback KindleBathed in Prayer(2018)Hardcover Paperback Kindle
Hello Kari… I have several of Jan Karon’s Mitford Series. I so enjoy them!
First Light is also a favorite time for Sweet Man and I. We enjoy each other’s ocompany as the sun begins to rise. It’s when we have our “Executive Board Meeting” each day. (It’s where we make our plans for the day. lol)
Thank you for reminding me of Mitford and Father Tim. I need to pull them out.
Enjoy your week dear friend!
I love it Nancy…what a great time of day and for you and Sweet Man to start your day with decision making, etc is so cool! I also love that you like the Mitford Series…so wholesome in these days of everyone doing their own thing morally. Have a great week-end my friend.
Kari, I love first light also! That was one feature at the condo that I miss. It was so glorious from the 5th floor where we were, facing eastward, having that opportunity each day to experience the first light. Your book series looks totally captivating, and I can certainly appreciate your love for them all. Here’s to your good health and good virtual visit!
thanks Rita….it is such a quiet and beautiful time of the day isn’t it? I’m sure your view from your condo was lovely as well as ALL your views from high up. I’m hanging in there enjoying each day as it comes. God is so good. Im still praying for Peggy. I appreciate all your prayers too. Have a good and blessed day.
Dear Kari, I’m not an early riser, but Ron is, and he enjoys getting up early and seeing the First Light. You have hooked me on the Mitford Series. I will be looking them up even if I have to go to Amazon to find them. Love and hugs to you and the Captain.
oh Sandy, Ron is on the right track for sure, but I understand sleeping in a little too. The books are good reads. hugs and blessings dear friend
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the Mitford series. I remember when they first came out but never got around to reading any of Jan Karon’s books, Need to check our church library for them. As much as I want a completely dark bedroom at night, the first thing I do is open all the drapes so I can see the “first light”.
Thanks for stopping by Jan, I hope you get he opportunity to read the series. I love that you open the drapes for first light views. it is a great time of day isn’t it? hugs always
Good morning Kari, first light is a lovely calm time for counting our blessings and moments of reflection
I usually see the sun rise from the spa pool during my early morning swim when I call it “my wellness time”.
How I’d love my own pool like your hidden courtyard pool, which still remains my favourite designed space.
However during the summer school holidays I am forced to remain in bed for my early morning snuggles with granddaughter. Precious times. These days pass in a blur with the grandchildren and my reading material is mainly for the under 2’s at the moment 😂
Sending you warmest hugs from across the pond.
Stay well and strong.
Love to you and your Captain xx
Thank you Ross for your kind comments. If you are in the pool for first light…you obviously are able to enjoy that time of day. Plus snuggling with your grands is pretty special too. We have so much to be thankful for don’t we? I am thankful for your friendship for all these years and over all those miles. Take care my friend and have a great week-end. Hugs and much love
Much love and hugs from across the pond xx
Kari, the old saying the early bird gets the worm. I was up very early today. A perfect time to relax and enjoy a peaceful time. The books sounds wonderful. I appreciate your detailed review. About our stone pillars, we hired a mason build them. So glad we won the fencing at the auction. Now, we need it installed. We are getting estimates , so we can decide if we will install it ourselves. Enjoy the rest of your week.
Thanks Linda….we have discussed stone pillars and black wrought iron fencing…so I am keeping an eye on yours for inspiration.
If I don’t get up early, I feel like I am missing out on half the day. 🙂 Have a wonderful week-end my friend.
Such peace can be found in the early hours of the day…a wonderful time for reflection and thoughts before the business of daily life takes over. I am familiar with Jan Karon of course, but haven’t read the Mitford series, you have me hooked, thanks Kari!
You are welcome Jenna….it is wonderful to be able to read good entertaining books that make you feel you are a part of their community. When I dug a few of the series out of my book closet, I found I wanted to re-read them. Have a wonderful day. Hugs
Good morning, Kari. I so enjoyed spending “first light” with you. It is a favorite time in my day. I am also an early riser, always before first light. It is my quiet time that I enjoy the most. I love Jan Karon’s Mitford series. I almost reread them all when we were in lockdown. They are feel good books. Thank you for sharing your lovely self, my friend. Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday♥️
Thank you Pam…I should have known you would be familiar with these books. We are indeed kindred spirits as Anne with an “E” would say. Hugs always from Kari with an ” i “….