Today is “Only Daughter’s” Birthday!
In my mind, she is still a very young little girl with little blonde curls stuck to the sides of her little freckled face.
I can close my eyes and I see her in pink ballerina outfits with opaque white dancing stockings on her pretty little legs.
And her blonde hair in a chignon bun on top of her head.
Now that I think back, I remember she didn’t care too much for sitting still ….while I put her hair up in the tight little bun… but she always looked so cute!
We Mothers are like that….perhaps we are compensating for our childhoods which often lacked the social graces we were able to give our children. Things such as dancing, tap or piano lessons.
“Only Daughter” did not go on to become a great ballerina… but she could do “tap” very well.
And no, I would have never put her through the Beauty Pageant Circuit…even if there had been a choice way back then. Although….. her whole dance class was on the local news channel for their 15 minutes of fame. Unfortunately, these little dancers were only seen by a few local people which probably consisted of only parents and grandparents! This television station was not very popular …even with the locals. 🙂
“Only Daughter” is an adult now, and is happily married and has two beautiful daughters …. my grand daughters!
“Only Daughter” is a caring person.
“Only Daughter” is a moral person.
“Only Daughter” has a wonderful home she shares with not one, …but four Cocker Spaniels! (See below) Their names are Bonnie and Clyde and Bugsy and ___________ oops! I forgot the last one’s name. (I do know that it is a “gangster” name from that era!)
“Only Daughter” is going to say “Mom, How can you forget the dog’s name”?
I would have to tell her…”Honey, sometimes I can’t remember my own name! teehehe!
OK, I do remember my own name, but sometimes I do forget my phone number!
I never call myself ….except for the times that I lose track of my cell phone and I have to call it to hear it ring. 🙂
Well, that is not exactly true either….it is usually the Captain who has to call my number so we both can hear it ring!
“Only Daughter” is special and I love her very much!
If you are reading this…I know you know I love you, my dear daughter, but I am telling you again on this day …your birthday!
“Only Daughter” you are very much loved and I am so proud of the woman you have become!
Me (Mom)
Very sweet!!
Thanks Jenny for stopping by…Hope to see your comments on other posts.
You are pretty special yourself…..but then you know how I feel about you, don’t you?
Thank you Sandy….family and good friends like you…I am blessed with both! 🙂
Happy Birthday to your only daugher, Kari. What a sweet tribute to her.
Only daughter……..
You know me very well I hated sitting very still so you could put my hair in that bun!
Only daughter…….
I can’t believe you didn’t remember Capone’s name.
Only daughter…….
Loves her mom very much!!!!
Only daughter……..
Thank you for the birthday wishes
So glad you are my Only Daughter….among the boys! Just wanted you to know how special you are to me….:)