The Year of the Horse, according to Chinese Tradition, begins tomorrow, the 31st of January. (It is hard to believe this month is almost over)!
I have included a pic of one of our previously celebrated Chinese New Year Holidays. This was in Kansas City.
I am sure many of you know about the Chinese Calendar!
Who hasn’t been to a Chinese restaurant and not searched the paper place mat on the table in front of you? Perhaps you run your finger across the years to see what animal lines up with the year of your birth? (Now, why do I know that?)
I look each and every time I visit a Chinese Restaurant. I should remember what I am, in terms of an animal 😉 because your year birth does not change! Well, some of us keep the same year of birth! 😉
…but with my memory, I forget and find myself thinking….am I a horse or am I a rabbit? (I am neither by the way.)
Just to enlighten you who do not know,… this time of year is very important to many Chinese, Vietnamese and other Oriental cultures. The 15-day festival, which starts on January 31 (this year), is based on a combination of lunar and solar movements. It starts with the first new moon of each calendar year and ends on the full moon.
Lisa, my manicurist…was telling me about the traditions she and her family observe. Among them, each family must thoroughly clean the house and/or business, in order to sweep away any ill-fortune and to make way for good incoming luck. She showed me a very, very large glass urn filled with garlic heads which is also part of their culture. It sits in the salon and I have to confess…I never noticed it before.
I guess sometimes I am not very observant! Well, I can be observant when I want to be…or so the Captain says! 🙂
Back to the Nail Salon. The entry to the salon is filled with ornate Oriental Statues and one of the most beautiful fish aquariums I have ever seen…my eyes are always drawn to those magnificent fish of unusual colors. (That is probably why I don’t notice the garlic!)
Sorry…back to the year of the Horse. Chinese astrology argues that one’s personality profile can be revealed from one’s birth time. However, the zodiac is based on the year rather than in the month as in the western system.
Lisa said she is one year older because of this yearly, rather than monthly acknowledgement of one’s birth. I don’t think I would like that part of their culture…see paragraph 4 above!
In China everybody knows which animal sign he or she is born under. If you would like to look at your sign….please look up the year you were born in the chart I have included below.
I believe I am a combination of all of them….some more than others! 😉 However, I will give you a hint! I should probably be in my Secret Garden spouting…”to be or not to be, that is the question”!
Can you guess which one I am?
By the way…the Captain is a Horse!
Year of the Rat – 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032, 2044
Rat was the first animal in the Chinese zodiac cycle. It is usually considered aggressive, ambitious, suspicious, power-hungry, honest, generous, quick to anger and prone to spend freely. Those born under the sign of Rat are imaginative, charming, and truly generous to the one they love. However, they have a tendency to be hot-tempered and overly critical. They are usually suitable for sales work or work as a writer, critic, or publicist. Rats will get well along with Dragons and Monkeys, however should avoid Horses.
Year of the Ox – 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033, 2045
Ox is a symbol of powerful individuals with unyielding and stubborn personalities. Those born under the sign are natural born leaders who typically succeed when given the chance and will also make outstanding parents. They are upright, inspiring, easy-going and conservative. The Ox would be successful as a skilled surgeon, general, or hairdresser. Ox gets along with Snakes and Roosters but not sheep.
Year of the Tiger – 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034, 2046
As the fighting animal, those born under tiger’s sign are sensitive, aggressive, unpredictable, charming, emotional, courageous and capable of great love. Often risking themselves, they have a carefree life. Tigers usually will be outstanding as a boss, explorer, racecar driver, or matador. A happy marriage can take place with a Horse or a Dog but never a Monkey.
Year of the Rabbit – 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2036, 2047
Those born under this sign are affectionate, talented, obliging, always pleasant, valuing security and tranquility. They have a tendency to get too sentimental and superficial and to avoid conflict and emotional involvement. Being cautious and conservative, they usually take no risk and are successful in business. They would also make a good lawyer, diplomat, or actor. Their best life partners are Sheep or Pigs instead of Roosters.
Year of the Dragon – 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, 2048
Those born under the sign are considered intelligent, gifted, bossy, loud, garish, and unfaithful, but also popular and successful, full of vitality and enthusiasm. They usually look stubborn on the outside, but softhearted inside. They are born to be an artist, priest, politician, or leader. A dragon will be compatible with a Snake or Rooster. However, a sheep will not be a good choice.
Year of the Snake – 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037, 2049
Those born under this sign are usually considered clever, passionate, determined, romantic, intense, rich in wisdom and charm, but vain. Women born under Snake are often beautiful. Snakes will be strongly guided by their intuition. They certainly will win a lot of money, but have to avoid procrastination and stingy attitude towards money. The Snake would be most content as a teacher, philosopher, writer, psychiatrist, or fortune teller. Marriage with a Rooster or Ox not a Pig will be best.
Year of the Horse – 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038, 2050
They are hardworking, intelligent and friendly, cheerful and popular, but impatient. Usually they consider themselves superior to others. They have a strong streak of selfishness and sharp cunning and should guard against being egotistical. Adventurer, scientist, poet, or politician will be suitable occupations for them. Horses get well along with Tigers and Dogs instead of Rats.
Year of the Sheep – 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039, 2051
The sign suggests a person who is creative, artistic, passionate, elegant, warmhearted, honest, charming but pessimistic, timid, disorganized and vulnerable. Too dependent on material comforts, they are easy to complain and do not respond well to pressure, but will find their own natural solution to a problem when given space. Best occupation for a Sheep is an actor or a gardener. They are compatible with Rabbits or Pigs in marriage, but not Ox.
Year of the Monkey – 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052
Monkeys are intelligent, inventive, clever, entertaining but also dangerous and easily discouraged. Because of their extraordinary nature and magnetic personality, they are always well liked and make close friends. However, they can’t be trusted. They should guard against being an opportunist and distrusting other people. The sign suggests success in any field they try. The best matches are Dragons or Rats while the worst are Tigers.
Year of the Rooster – 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041, 2053
Roosters are courageous, hardworking, shrewd, arrogant, reckless, selfish and eccentric. They are thirsty for knowledge, devoted to work and definite involved in decision-making. They are skilled at what they do and attentive to details. However, they tend to seem boastful to others. Roosters will be happy as a restaurant owner, publicist, soldier or world traveler. The sign promises harmony with Snakes and Ox and trouble with Rabbits.
Year of the Dog – 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042, 2054
Those born under this sign are honest, quiet, intelligent, generous, stubborn, loyal and faithful to those they love. They are introverted listeners, dedicated but also cynical and prone to letting their external anxieties get the better of them. Constant worry, a sharp tongue, and a tendency to be a faultfinder will always plague them. However, they are born to be successful. Dogs will be excellent businessmen, activists, teachers, or secret agents. Tigers and Horses are deemed as best matches. Dragons need to be handled with care.
Year of the Pig – 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2020, 2031, 2043
Pigs are honest, reliable, sincere, tolerant, shy, affectionate, kind, impulsive and short tempered. They are splendid companions, intellectuals with a very strong need to set difficult goals and carry them out. In addition they are extraordinarily naive. Their unquenchable thirst for knowledge will facilitate their success whereas their quest for material comfort will frustrate it. Pigs also will sacrifice their lives for good causes. The Pig will be successful in financial affairs, or as an entertainer, or possibly a lawyer. Pigs should be aware of other Pigs and compatible with Sheep and Rabbits.
I am a ox and Francis a dog
I’m a rat!
I am a sheep…..;)
Love you too!
Soooo…….. I’m an Ox. Well, that explains the stubbornness. I think I got it from someone else, though. Surgeon? We all know that didn’t happen. But I do cut my own hair. Does shaving it with a “0” blade count as cutting hair. I’ll say yes. Leadership… Yes on that one, too. So all in all, pretty close. Love ya.
Thanks Sandy for your comments….I have to agree, I am a combination of all of them….;)
My hubby is a pig, and I’m a monkey and neither one of them fit us hardly at all. lol I wouldn’t even attempt to guess what you are, Kari.