Happy New Year…to all our wonderful friends all over the world!!
As we welcome in 2014…Me and My Captain, wish a wonderful, prosperous New Year to all our friends, family and new Blogger Buddies. We cherish and love you all.
This is the time of year when we make resolutions…I read the other day that only 8 percent of resolutions that are made each New Year’s Day are actually kept. Hmmmmm.
Today, just as the sun was peeking over the horizon, and the Captain was already flying… I stepped out back to my Secret Garden with my steaming hot cup of tea and my Bible for my quiet, alone time. I love the solitude of the early morning and the wonderful smells and sounds of all things wonderful…”waking up”.
I smiled as a Mockingbird (the state bird of Florida) flew overhead and landed on our 3 tiered water fountain. So trusting she was …that I would not cause any harm as I sat about two feet away.
I think she was a she…because of her all knowing expressions. She had a job to do and couldn’t be concerned about any distractions. Most likely, she had many errands on her list after her little primping and fluffing!
- Mockingbirds are such neat creatures…they can mimic almost any sound. Once, Twin number 1 called me from San Diego, California. He lived in the down town district while working on a commercial building in the heart of San Diego. He heard Mockingbirds mimicking the sounds of construction trucks, right down to the beep-beep sound of backing up.
I studied this gray bird with the pointed beak for awhile as her wing flutters sent droplets of water sprinkling my way.
“Good Morning!” I said in greeting to my guest. She cocked her head to one side, her dark eyes had a glimpse of glint as if she were listening to me and trying to decide if she should send a greeting back or just keep fluffing the gray wings with the white bars. She decided to preen some more….and then with only a glance my way, she flew off when she heard a sweet song coming from a nearby Olive tree. Her trust was an inspiration to me.
Back to my thoughts and quiet time… I let my Bible fall open and the book of Colossians, chapter 3, lay before me. When I had finished reading, I took my ever present pen and paper that lives in my Bible jacket and started writing.
In my first post on my Blog, I mentioned that I write novels and I also write poems. I have a notebook full of poems that I have written over the years. My intent is to someday have them published, if only for my children as most, but not all of the poems are written about them.
This morning, I wrote the below poem for New Years, 2014. It expresses my thoughts as I begin the new year.
This poem is to our Captain….from me and my captain!
Dear God,
Help me this day as I start anew
to look at others through the eyes of you.
Empty words, can be quickly spoken,
Promises made; Promises broken.
Help me to keep each vow that I make,
I need your strength for the steps I take.
Help me replace any irritation or pain,
by forgiving, forgetting, renewing again.
Though I know I’m not worthy to bask in your love,
I will always be thankful to my God above.
Thank you for loving me, my faults and all,
and for holding my hand each time that I fall.
I live by your grace, what wonderful news!
Your Son came to Earth and He paid my dues
Temptations I face, I’ll handle with care
As I start this new year kneeling in prayer.
Kari Rogers-Miller (2014)
- If you have time, please look at the featured video on the upper right of my Home Page, click play… and listen to the song …Auld Lang Syne being sung and coordinated with the most beautiful scenery, and of course… wonderful animals and birds. It is breath taking. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Oh, Kari, your poem is beautiful. Have you tried to compile your poems and put them in a book? If you have many of these you should do it.
Happy New Year to you and The Captain. May our Captain watch over us in 2014.
Thank you our sweet friend. And Happy New Year to you and the Captain. What a wonderful poem to start out the New Year.