What a Difference A Day Makes,
24 little hours…
There’s a rainbow before me,
Skies above can’t be stormy…..
or so the song lyrics say.
There is a lot of truth in those few phrases!
I started this blog in November 2013, when I retired from Aviation.
I titled it:
“Me and My Captain” Retirement: A new journey…one day at a time!
And indeed it is a journey and a lovely one and sharing it with a wonderful husband (My Captain) and all my friends and family and you, my readers… is the icing on the cake.
I made sure I had a beautiful sunset on my business card…or a beautiful sunrise if you turn the card upside down, 🙂 but then the airplane is upside down :(….
I used sunrises/sunsets because, … well, because, the Captain and I love sunrises and sunsets! 🙂
But also because I didn’t want it to appear I was riding off into the sunset; instead I wanted to show that a new day is a new beginning. Retirement is a new beginning,
not an ending.
It is true that I did have questions about what I would do when I retired. I knew I wasn’t one to sit around and watch soap operas on television all day long.
So, I published my first post, titled ironically “My First Post”….how original is that? ;)… on this Blog on November 4, 2013.
I went back and read it again to see if I was still on the same page!
(If you missed it the first time around, just put “My First Post” in the search field on my home page.
I believe I am…still on the same page!
I am living the dream right now.
As I scanned through a few of my early (and later) posts…I noted that I have dangled a few participles, fragmented, run-on sentences, used mis-spelled words
(intentionally) in an effort to craft my written imperfections. It ain’t easy!
If I am trying to make a point or am trying to be funny, I put little icons to show that I am joking.
I once had someone tell me…you don’t have to do that, I get the joke reference. (thank you critic John, I still love ya like my luggage!!!)
But I still do add little icons, because…well, just because I can! :)….and I am retired! I have earned it!
AND I use that excuse that I have earned the right to break certain grammar rules as I try to pay attention to rythum, syntax and diction to make my point.
In my professional life….there was a semblance of order…a proper way to do everything and I did those things to the best of my ability.
I have now passed the stages of management approval as the journey of retirement is finally kicking in!
Up until just a few weeks ago, (and I retired the end of September), I would get that Sunday night “dread”…where I would look at the clock and think that I had to lay
out clothes or set the alarm because the work week began bright and early on Monday!
I also had a couple good friends (still in the work world) ask me what do I do with my time…they can’t imagine a long drawn out day with nothing to do.
so I put together a (always flexible) schedule of my routine retirement day!
- I usually rise early….love to watch the sunrise…and start my day with prayer, daily devotions and hot tea in my Secret Garden (My quiet time)
- Then I get on the computer and work on my Blog for a few hours and the Social Media….(Instagram and Pinterest are links on my Blog)
- I look at emails and tend to anything that needs tending to…ie; laundry, grocery shopping, errands, etc
- After lunch, I put on my swimsuit and I do a easy-on-the-joints work-out in the water. (love that pool)
- and I have planned lunches with friends (one is on a weekly basis)
- AND I relax…very important.
- Sometimes I take my laptop or cookbooks out on the Lanai and plan new recipes etc…or I read from my latest book.
- I try to devote at least 2 days a week for cooking and baking and photographing my recipes. (Did you know the best time to photograph food is between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 12 p.m.?)
- I water and tend the hanging baskets of flowers on the Lanai and the Secret Garden…such a pleasure and I do talk to them!
- AND I relax….very important!
- The house gets cleaned once every other week by two maids the Captain insisted on having when we first moved down here and I began working from home.
- We have a gardener team….as everyone (almost everyone) in Florida has a gardener! They mow once a week and tend to bush/plant trimming. (everything grows 24 hours due to the warm nights)
- The evenings are for my Captain (when he isn’t flying) or our sports indulgences OR simply more relaxing (in the Spa and enjoying a glass of wine or reading as we both love to read). I find the television is rarely on which forces one to find other activities…and that is a good thing! 🙂
- We go dancing at the Yacht Club once a month (Saturdays) and have a monthly potluck with a new resident group we joined after moving to Florida.
- In between, we go to movies, out for an ice cream cone or a ride along the beaches…..
A new journey….One day at a time…..;)
PS…. and this is for my Author friend, Sandy…
I do watch my grammar and punctuation on my novel rewrites….:)
Thanks Sandy….priorities huh?
LOL I’m so glad you watch your grammar and punctuation on your novel rewrites, Kari.
Your day sounds lovely. You better enjoy because when you come out of retirement with your first novel; it will not be the same. You’ll work harder than you ever did at work. Smile!
LOL I’m so glad you watch your grammar and punctuation on your novel rewrites, Kari.
Your day sounds lovely. You better enjoy because when you come out of retirement with your first novel; it will be the same. You’ll work harder than you ever did at work. Smile!