Today is Oldest Son’s Birthday…
Happy Birthday Son !!!!
In the movie “City Slickers” with Billy Crystal, there is a phone call from his Mother to wish him a Happy 39th Birthday…and she places the call at the exact same time she gave birth to her son.
Below is the 1 minute and 23 second video of that phone call. It is hilarious!
Just click on the link or copy and paste to your browser and I know you will smile…..
AND…I have to admit that I do the same thing for my oldest son. I make that same phone call!
Over the years he has come to expect the phone call, and although he will never admit it….if I didn’t call, I do think he would be disappointed. 🙂
He was my first son and I believe I sort of grew up with him, because I was very young myself.
The Christmas pic above is most recent…!
Oldest son and his family live in the middle of Kansas and I know today it is plenty hot there….and windy…..and the usual Midwest weather.
I am sure oldest son will fit a day of bass fishing into this week.
He is a very serious bass fisherman and always throws the fish back as his sport is to catch and release.
I have a picture of him at age 5 holding his first fish…however, I don’t dare show it! Perhaps someday I will. 🙂
His tackle boxes look like a Bass Pro Shop display….and I did say plural tackle boxes. He has taught his son and now grandsons to fish at very early ages.
Fishing and his grandsons are his pride and joy!
So if he isn’t home right after work….he is out on some pond or lake fishing!
I haven’t made “the call” yet….it isn’t quite time.
The actual time will be 5:26 pm…..
Yep, then I will make “the call” and we will have a good laugh, when he says “Ma…not again!”. 🙂
I hope this midweek day is a good one for you, my readers
And for Oldest Son’s Birthday!
…Enjoy each day and laugh!
I plan to!
Happy Belated Birthday to oldest son. Kari, you’re right, he would be disappointed if you didn’t call.