Kissing…yea or nay?
I do believe in kissing…especially when the other side of the “kissee” is the Captain! 😉
But I am talking about social kissing.
Recently…I have been in situations where people want to kiss in a greeting (hello and good-bye) and it has forced me to make a choice….to kiss or not to kiss.
Let me just say that when I was growing up….a greeting by a close friend or family member was a quick hug…or just an enthusiastic “Hi!…Come in…good to see you” .
We rarely kissed in greeting, nor did we kiss good-bye.
Well, I take that back.
There was an Aunt on my Mother’s side (married to my Mother’s Brother) …who insisted on kissing every niece and nephew, each time she came to the family reunions.
Aunt Georgia did come from out-of-state ….but as kids, we sent out a warning that she was on the prowl to kiss someone… and we would all run and find a safe hiding place until she got settled in visiting with all the other relatives and “forgot” she hadn’t kissed us. 🙂
Now I realize that many Europeans use the standard “kiss kiss” greeting…left cheek and then right cheek!
I mean you see that on any television talk show as the talk show hosts greets the guests.
However, that is show biz.
What about real life and the kissing greeting?
I have to admit that when my new great grandbaby arrives in this world later this month…I will be giving him or her lots of kisses…but that is a precious little baby!
A gift from God. 🙂
Who can resist kissing their soft, sweet cheeks, their little fingers and toes?
But once that baby becomes a little older…say about three, four or five years old, magically the kissing stops…mainly because the child is more interested in toys or games and lets one know that kissing is not wanted…at least that has been the consensus in my family.
However, the exception to that rule is the immediate family members. I hug and give a quick cheek-kiss to my twin boys…especially if I haven’t seen them in a few weeks.
Only daughter, Oldest son and all the grandchildren are also the exception….
Kissing on the lips is a little strange for me with casual acquaintances.
Of course, that leads me to another dilemma…one of my daughters-in-law insists on kissing in a good-bye greeting…right smack on the lips!
Yes, I allow the kiss because she is close family….but it is not something I look forward to. 😉
So I ask you the question….when do you social kiss? How many kisses? one? two? three? left cheek? right cheek? Both? Lip kissing? Pecks? Brushes? Air kisses?
Wow! Talk about Social anxiety on Social kissing! 🙂
I did find a few guidelines to “kissing” in an old Woman’s Day magazine…which reminds me that I have got to “donate” some of those magazines, it is just that I refer to them many times for recipes and such. 🙁
Of course, things may be different now…. but I added a few of my own comments in blue parenthesis.
- Don’t kiss people you don’t know unless you are introduced to them in a social environment. (Well who would kiss a stranger on the street?)
- It is usually right cheek first, but be prepared to change direction at the last minute. (Whose right cheek? the kisser or the kissee?)
- Sound effects, air kissing and leaving behind saliva are to be avoided (I kinda like the sound effect…then the saliva would be moot…unless they are a spit air kisser)
- Don’t linger and keep your hands WELL above the waist. (AND where I can see them…)
- When in doubt, let the other person take the lead. (I am not used to letting another take the lead…with kissing that is) 🙂
So, to kiss or not to kiss?
My thoughts are:
Short, Quick Hugs are great when in a greeting or a good-bye, but the cheek kissing…only if the other person initiates, (I would certainly not be rude and embarrass anyone) . Immediate family members are the exception! For kissing, not for embarrassing! 🙂 🙂 🙂
BUT… I personally would rather leave the lip kissing to husband and wife…boyfriend and girlfriend.
And when in doubt, don’t!
You know that old saying….if in doubt, throw it out!
Oh sorry…that is in reference to food. 🙂
What are your thoughts on social kissing?
Have a great Friday and keep plenty of chap stick on hand! 😉
Kari says
Sort of like my daughter=in=law…..she is from up north too….I told her one time….get some lip balm on those lips….they are rough!….she will most likely comment now! haha
thanks for stopping by
Sandy says
Hmm! This does take getting used when it comes to kissing. Usually a hug with friends, hug and kiss on cheek with intimate family and some special friends. One daughter-in-law surprised me with a kiss on the lips recently, but she’s originally from New York and is Irish. lol I excused her.
Rossana says
Probably too European of me, but it is the norm now over here in my social/dance world. However I hated my Italian family habit of kissing, but mainly because my Nonno and uncles had that permanent after eight shadow and that was too scratchy! Socially it is quite easy to ‘kiss kiss” but I baulk at kissing on the lips, unless romantically involved or it’s my little grandson and he decides…
My problem is the habit of signing off my text messages with a ‘x’ to family and then I sent a business text and the ‘xx’ was automatic and send…. I take it that daughter in law doesn’t read your Blogs….
just remembered… it’s 3 kisses if they are Dutch!
I’ll let you make the first move….. hehe
Hugs from across the pond..
Kari says
Haha Ross…hugs are great….I like hugs if they are brief….if they linger….hmmmmmm! 🙂
Daughter-in-law does read the Blog….she told me years ago that she likes to kiss on the lips because her whole family does…and when she prefaces it with..I love you Mom…smack! well, I guess I am a pushover….but only for her. 🙂
I like the way you sign off your messages because it shows a caring more than just an acquaintance….that is why I sign off with “always” sort of the same thing.
counting the days until your arrival….looking forward to it.
Me ;0
Jerrie Woods says
Usually a hug is enough, some relatives, a quick peck on the check. Not a fan of the lip-kissers.
Kari says
Me too Jerri….I like hugs!
thanks for stopping by.