Fajitas in a Crock Pot….actually, fajitas are fairly easy and quick to make on top of the stove and I usually make my chicken or beef fajitas just that way.
But if you have a busy day or are at work….it is easy to throw everything in the crock pot to be ready for your return to the kitchen.
You will have to shred lettuce, cheese (or buy it already shredded) and slice the bell peppers and onions….but that doesn’t take long.
You then put the peppers and onions in a crock pot, place the chicken on top of the peppers and onions and set it and forget it.
It is that simple!
Make up a little Pico de Gallo and Guacamole! Ole! if desired, and you will have a feast! (If you missed these recipes, click on the links)
And if you really want to add flavor to your fajitas, add a little Home Made Crema (recipe found in the post New Mexico Chicken Enchiladas Verde…..sooooo good!
You can also substitute beef (flank steak would be a good cut) for the chicken.
The rest of the directions are the same.
The printable recipe is below!
Enjoy all that extra time you will have….:)
- 4 chicken breasts (or you can use beef...a flank steak is a good choice)
- 3 medium sized bell peppers, sliced (I used red, orange and yellow)
- 1 large onion, sliced
- 1 package of Taco Seasoning (I used taco bell brand)
- Flour tortillas, heated
- 1 cup shredded Mexican blend of cheeses (or you can use cheddar)
- Finely chopped lettuce
- Guacamole
- Sour cream
- Salsa or pica de gallo
- Place the sliced peppers and onions in the bottom of the crock pot.
- Add the chicken breasts (or dark meat, your choice) on the top
- Sprinkle the taco seasoning over the chicken
- Place the lid on the crock pot and cook for about 6 hours on low
- If you need it cooked sooner, put the crock pot on high for about 3 hours
- At the end of your chosen cooking time....pull apart (or shred) the chicken.
- Add the chicken and onions and peppers to a medium sized bowl and serve with the
- desired toppings
- I like to serve on hot metal steak or fajita plates, placed on small boards...but you can use whatever you have on hand for serving
- Keep the tortillas warm in tortilla bowl or wrap in paper towels.
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