Italian Dippin’ Goodness with Toasted Italian Bread….
This is so easy to make and it tastes so good, I could make a meal out of it.
In fact, there are many foods that I can make a meal out of and it is not necessarily a good thing. 🙂
My Grandma, on my Dad’s side…used to make Open Face Onion-Bacon Grease sandwiches, which she liberally salted and peppered.
And I loved them!
I know,…I am weird, but I come from a lot of weird family members and that is ok in my book. ;0)
When you think about it…the Italian dippin’ goodness, is not much different than the Onion-Bacon Grease sandwiches that I love.
I will confess, that I have not had one of those sandwiches in a long, long time…but the only thing holding me back is the “healthy” side of me.
I admit, the “healthy” side of me disappears from time to time! 🙂
I will share the quick and easy recipe for the Onion-Bacon Grease sandwich… and then I will share the Italian dippin’ goodness with Toasted Bread.
Open Face Onion-Bacon Grease Sandwich
1. Heat the left over bacon grease from a bacon frying, to just warm it.
2. Gently place the slice of bread into the bacon grease (holding it by two hands as you don’t want to drench the bread…just coat it on one side.
3. Add 2-3 onion slices, thinly (or thickly) sliced…to cover the bread slice.
4. Add lots of coarsely ground black pepper and a smaller amount of salt.
Eat and enjoy! :):);)
So see? The difference in these two recipes, is one uses bacon grease and the other uses extra virgin olive oil, which is healthier ….I have to admit.
I tasted something similar to the Italian Dippin’ Goodness,… long ago at a small, quaint Italian Restaurant in …of all places…Fort Worth, Texas.
It was across the street from the famous Cross Keys restaurant…which both have since gone out of business. 🙁
That happens with so many of the “good ones” doesn’t it?
As I said, I could make a meal of this…. and I did just that yesterday! 😉
Although the idea is to eat a bit of it… before your main pasta meal…or add a little balsamic and add to your garden salad.
So tell me dear readers,….have you an unhealthy/odd food you love?
Have a great day…and Happy Dippin’!
Below is the printable recipe…

- 1/2 cup of good quality extra virgin olive oil
- 3-4 cloves of finely minced garlic
- 2 teaspoons of freshly and finely grated Parmesan cheese (more if you like)
- 1/2 teaspoon of red pepper flakes (crushed finely)
- 1 teaspoon of Italian seasoning
- 1/2 teaspoon crushed, dried oregano
- Freshly ground black pepper (as much as desired)
- Mix all the ingredients together and store for at least an hour (at room temperature) to allow the flavors to marry or blend.
- I like to use an old crock, and when ready to serve...I give a quick stir, and ladle into smaller dip bowls.
- I also butter the bread and grill to desired crispiness.
- Then dip away....
- Dip toasted bread (or un-toasted, your preference) ..add to pasta or salads, if desired.
- Simply yummy!
- I could eat this dippin' oil for a complete meal!...and I have! 🙂
I know….what can I say?
I’m not sure about this, Kari. lol