One of those days…we have all had them.
When “my dancing friend across the pond” visited me a few weeks ago….she mentioned that things just seem to be going great with my postings on my Blog….
But she hinted that she hadn’t seen any of my vulnerability.
I have tried to look at the glass as half full, but yes, there are times when everyone has a little of the glass half empty.
I always have camera in hand and I take way, way too many pictures of each and everything happening in and around me…..many times I don’t use that topic or subject, so the pics remain hidden in the recesses of my DropBox!
Plus, considering that I only use perhaps 5 or 6 photos out of 40 or more pics on any given subject, cataloging is very important to be able to have photos ready for my posts.
I remembered the day…back in the Spring that I was refreshing the hanging baskets on the Pergola in the Secret Garden…as well as adding four new hanging baskets.
I would like to share these photos with you as I prepared and planted the baskets.
Call it “One of those days”….;)
I started with four empty baskets and I covered them with a matting of straw and moss. (You can buy the baskets at any of the big box stores and the matting is usually in the same area)
I then added a small amount of potting mix to the bottom in preparation for the new plants that I had purchased.
I found pink geraniums, pathos, a little ivy and some beautiful blue daze (similar to a plumbago) and positioned them in my work area.
I took the little plants in their peat pots and placed them on top of the potting mix. (don’t you love my hot pink work gloves?)
The plants were in no particular order…I just plopped them in and added additional potting mix around each plant in the basket…and watered them well…adding a little more soil as needed.
I then positioned this very heavy basket on an existing pulley rope affixed to the pergola and it promptly fell to the ground spilling the plants and soil all over the pavers.
Lots of potting soil…..and a few broken plants.
I looked at it for a few seconds and decided to take a rest from my planting, so I took off my gloves and sat in one of the garden chairs.
I then decided this was a perfect time to grab a cup of hot tea and rethink the hanging of the other 3 baskets.
With renewed energy….that hot tea does wonders doesn’t it?….I revised my baskets by placing the heavier ones I had just planted… to existing large plant hooks already on the pergola and I relegated the other baskets that I was refurbishing to the 4 pulley ropes.
It worked just fine and after I scooped up all the plants and soil on the pavers…I replanted the spilled basket that had once been so prettily planted, and hung it on a large plant hook too.
Not a major catastrophe…but a little glitch in the plans.
And you know what? I like the revised hanging arrangement much better!
I think there is a moral here…..:)
Have a great week!
Yes Sandy and now I can sit at my desk and admire the baskets….don’t know if you can see it in the photo, but a very young mockingbird (hatched out a couple weeks ago)is in the basket. 😉
Tonite…the Royals will win….I hope! got to have the next two games…if not? They are still a great team! 😉
A small glitch that turned out just fine, Kari.