Chipotle Adobo Chile!
When I lived in New Mexico, I learned how to make so many really flavorful dishes!
I thought I liked and could eat “spicy hot” foods…. but I have to confess that the foods I thought were spicy hot…were really quite mild.
When the Captain and I go to a Mexican restaurant, we always ask for the really hot salsa….and let the server take the tomato-ey salsa back to the kitchen. 😉
This chile is one of the Captain’s favorites….and of course, I love it too.
All the ingredients are just a little different than the chili you are most likely familiar with.
You can adjust the hotness by using fewer chipotle peppers and reducing the chile powder if you prefer a more mild chile.
This Chipotle Adobo Chile is great because it can be used in so many ways….it can be a dip for tortilla chips, a filling for tacos, (soft and crispy shells).
It can also be used for a topping for nachos.
So make a big batch of it and use it for other meals.
And it freezes well too.
Do you my dear readers like your chile spicy hot…or do you prefer a milder chile?

- 1 large onion, chopped
- 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 1 1/2 pounds of lean ground sirloin
- 1 bottle of your favorite beer
- 1 14 ounce can tomatoes, diced
- 1 small can (14 ounces) of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, chopped
- 1 can (16 ounces) ranch Style beans
- 1 can (14 ounces) black beans, drained and rinsed
- 1 tablespoon chili powder
- 1 tablespoon ground cumin
- 1/2 teaspoon chipotle powder
- juice of 1 lime for serving
- dollop of sour cream for topping
- grated cheddar cheese for topping
- cilantro, chopped leaves or leave whole
- lime slices
- Add a little olive oil to heavy dutch oven and brown the ground meat, onions and garlic, stirring to assure that the pink if no longer visible.
- Add the bottle of beer to glaze the pot (stirring the bottom bits)
- Add the drained black beans and the ranch style beans that have not been drained.
- Add the diced tomatoes and stir well.
- Add the chopped chipotles AND the adobo sauce in the can.
- Sprinkle in the chipotle powder, chili powder and cumin.
- Cover and simmer for about an hour.
- The chile should be very thick, but if it is not...use a little water with a teaspoon of cornstarch, making a slurry and add to the chile.
- Squeeze in the lime juice and serve with sour cream, grated cheese and cilantro for garnish.
- This is one of the Captain's and mine.....favorites.
hi Kari, sounds definitely too hot for me… I haven’t trained my mouth to take the heat… so I’m wimp when it comes to heat… so what is the difference between a chili, chile or a chilli? I certainly wouldn’t want to make a mistake if I decide to try one in a restaurant..
Hugs xx
Chili is a fairly mild “gringo” type of soup or stew which usually includes ground beef, tomatoes, onion, garlic, chili powder, chili beans and a few other choices such as green bell peppers and is quite common on restaurant menus. It is a bit soupy and some people like to put soda crackers in their “soup” to sop up the juices.
Chile is made from New Mexico green or red chiles and is usually very hot (spicy hot). This hotter chile can have the same ingredients (if you are wanting to spice up regular gringo chili OR if you use the chiles like most New Mexicans…you make a “sauce” of just the chiles, a bit of garlic, and maybe cumin and blended together in a blender…then served in a small bowl to be used as a dip or it can even be placed over hamburgers or hot dogs or eggs. Again, this is very hot so not for the faint of heart. Sometimes one might find a red or green chile sauce that is a bit milder…but it is a guessing game as to which can be hotter. And all of the hotness depends on the type of chiles that are grown as well as the longer they are on the vine, etc. 😉
Chilli is usually the gringo type chili (see above description) and just a matter of spelling preference.
Check out these recipes on my Blog….(you can put the recipe title in the search bar) they explain a lot of the differences.
Thanks for stopping by 😉
New Mexico Scrambled Eggs
New Mexico Green Chile Cheeseburgers
Green chile Sauce
Red chile Sauce
Mnnnn put me in the Gringo corner..
hugs xx
hahahaha! 🙂
hugs back at ya!