Mad Hatters Tea Party!
I love Hats and I love Tea Parties and some might say I have gone mad!
What I am trying to say, my dear readers, is I love a cuppa…any kind of tea is wonderful, soothing and relaxing.
I shared with you a wonderful experience a couple years ago, ….when two friends and myself went to this wonderful little Tea Room called The Wisteria Room. If you would like to see that post, click on the link below.
It was right up my alley or should I say it’s my cup of tea. 🙂
My very first tea set was the tiny set my parents gave me for my 5th birthday and I have been hooked ever since.
The television show starring Angela Lansbury…”Murder, She Wrote”…. inspired me to purchase my first set of Blue Willow dishes and of course I had to have a tea set included.
Actually, my desire for Blue Willow dishes came from a famous restaurant in Kansas called the “Brookville Hotel”, where they not only served my favorite fried chicken dinners, but they served them on Blue Willow dishes with blue and white and red and white gingham tablecloths. See link below for more on that landmark restaurant.
Eight Wonders of Kansas Cuisine – Brookville Hotel Restaurant
If you will note in the picture, Angela Lansbury is serving tea to friends.
She always made tea ….using a lap tray for the teapot, creamer, sugar and lemon slices… when she needed to solve mysteries.
I have always loved mysteries and I have a confession to make.
I would make my tea tray every time that television show would come on and drink my tea with Angela.
Ok, I am probably the only person to do such a silly thing. :)…..but I still enjoy a quiet time with a cup of hot tea…on a tray…which makes it a bit more special for me.
Which leads me to why I am posting about teapots and such.
I have started re-organizing my dish pantry, and came across my favorite tea set which I had stored in a back corner of one of the shelves.
I have a green polka dot tea set, an orange Fiesta tea set, my Blue Willow tea set…and my favorite pink tea set.
I am going to have a Tea Party with a few of my friends.
I have found these adorable invitations ……and I shall send them out about a week before the Tea.
Yes, I am going to ask them to wear a hat….any hat….and I will serve clotted Devonshire cream and scones, Pink Petit Four cakes and finger sandwiches and the traditional time will be observed between 3 and 5 pm.
And we shall chat as we sip from pretty pink cups….just as they do in England…..discussing who originated the high and low afternoon teas.
Oh, how I wish my friend from across the pond were here….she would have inside tips on English afternoon tea.
(I did find out that the reason the milk goes in first is so it won’t curdle when lemon is added…that is if you take milk and lemon with your tea)
PLUS, this gives me a good excuse to take a break from organizing my dish pantry.
Have a great day my friends! I have a tea party to plan…I know I have an easy scone recipe and who can’t make cucumber and cream cheese finger sandwiches?
More to come…..
Hi Honey, sorry for late reply but life still hectic.
Wouldn’t add lemon if you were adding milk… a case of either/or.
Love the afternoon tea party. Received a voucher for afternoon tea for two from my brother for last year’s birthday at our local manor house (now an hotel). Our Queen used to spend time at the manor house many years ago and my mother served royalty on the later occasions.
Afternoon tea menu:
A Selection of Finger Sandwiches:
Free range egg mayonnaise with chives on beetroot bread
Smoked salmon on seeded granary bread
Roast beef with horseradish on white bread
Wobbly bottom goats cheese with chervil on sultana and walnut bread
Seasoned cucumber on basil bread
… followed by…
Freshly Baked Raisin and Plain Scones with Devonshire Clotted Cream and Strawberry Preserve
… followed by…
Assortment of Home Made Afternoon Tea Cakes and Pastries
plus endless Pots of Tea or Coffee of your choice
I had a lovely time with an old school friend and we chatted and people watched through 4 pots of tea.
My sister did a “Tea Party” for a very close friend (now departed) surprise birthday party. Posh hats were worn and we had copious amounts of cucumber sandwiches, small cakes and macaroons… it was perfect.
We raided all the local charity shops for fine china and tea pots for months in advance… it didn’t matter that they didn’t all match… in fact it added to the charm… but you have an ample stock in your dish pantry..
I think it is a wonderful tradition that we should bring back regularly…
Enjoy the party and I’ll be looking out for the photos.
Hugs from across the pond.
Thanks Ross! Wonderful suggestions….I agree on the various cups, saucers and tea pots. Makes it quaint! And the sandwiches sound so yummy…Makes me want one right now. 😉
I knew I could count on you!
I am getting together picks of a cleaned out dish pantry…I got rid of lots of odds and edds…took them to Goodwill…figured if I hadn’t used them or had a plan to use them by now…no need on keeping and it sure cuts down on the clutter.
Thank you my friend. I only use lemon in my tea so glad to hear of the either/or. I watched an old English sit com…”As Time Goes By” on Saturday and they poured their milk in after pouring their tea. I didn’t see any lemon. I know that program is old, but I still like watching it. 😉
Thanks for stopping by..
Hugs, luv ya!
There is a thought that the milk went in first if the quality of the China cups was in doubt and they might crack. Now it would be more usual and deemed as “polite” to add the milk after. I think it allows for strength customization really but it is added conversation piece I think.
Currently planning mum’s 80th birthday menu… Bought a leg of prosciutto ham on a whim… mnnn now I’m hungry…
Hugs honey xx
Wow…don’t want to crack me cups…haha. Prosciutto ham is making me hungry too….;)
Luv ya
Wish I were going to be there. It all sounds just wonderful. I love my cup of tea.
I hear ya Sandy….I used to drink a lot of coffee, but I have found over the years, that a cuppa herbal tea is so calming and relaxing. The only problem is I love so many different flavors that it is hard to pick just one favorite. 🙂
thanks for stopping by.
I love a lot of different flavors, too, Kari. My taste, also, changes with the seasons. lol