Orange is the new black…or gray…or brown…or beige!
Or perhaps it isn’t orange at all????
How about Navy Blue?
You are most likely wondering if I have started ‘fishing off the porch’ again with these “makes no sense” statements.
No, I am cool….or as cool as I can be when it comes to picking out paint colors.
Yes, my dear readers….I am picking out colors for Flip houses….and I would like your inputs.
The Captain and I have one house ready for outside paint…the inside is pretty much done, but the pool is a work in progress.
See pics of Flip 1’s pool stages (below link) if you missed those pics, and you will get the idea of the look of Flip 3 & 4’s back yards. 🙁
Today, I am picking out exterior paint for Flip 4 (above) and also….granite or quartz or marble counter-tops for Flip 3.
Regarding Flip 4’s exterior paint…..on a bright sunny day, this house looks a very pale blueish-green gray…depending on cloud cover. And other times it looks gray. Look at the top of the pillar on the right and you can get a hint of green or blue.
You might think at first glance, this house does not need painting, but just a good power wash….and sometimes that is the case.
However, the sides and back of this house has paint issues, so if you are going to re-paint those areas, might as well do the front too!
We are thinking of staying in the gray color field and are looking at the following grays….so many to choose from. 🙁
And what cha’ think of painting the two front doors a shade of navy blue for a pop of color? (Loyal Blue with a hint of teal, see below color swatch) Too much?
Maybe not, as I think the doors need to make a statement….and not necessarily be “safe”. (And no, orange did not enter my mind) 🙂
However, the doors would be the only navy blueish color….the trim should most likely be white and those little “bands” that appear on many SW Florida houses could be a little darker shade of gray. Perhaps Lazy Gray for the house color and Serious Gray (see below) for the bands around the pillars and below the windows?
hmmmmmmm? What are your thoughts, dear readers?
We aren’t finished yet….lets talk granite!
Do you, my dear readers like any of the above counter-tops…keeping in mind the cabinets will be white with a glaze to sort of look a bit distressed or coastal or beachy? Don’t you just love my word invention? …..but I know you understand my meanings….don’t cha???
The above pic is from the custom cabinet shop….and our kitchen cabinets in Flip 3 will be similar with a few modifications!
Don’t ask how one Flip gets ahead of another Flip…sometimes it just happens that way. Some need more work than others or the Captain and I decide to rip out cabinets that we originally thought could stay!
You see, someone…I won’t mention her name, but I am sure you have guessed it is “Me”!!!!! (and you would be right)… decided the kitchen needed to have one of the entry doors to the kitchen closed off to allow for more cabinets in a very small kitchen.) This caused a delay, which is not good when one wants to get in, re-model and get out for a quick turn around. This small modification meant a complete kitchen re-design. ;(
So there you have it… dilemma of color choices on this Wednesday.
I shouldn’t be having all the fun, my friends….looking forward to what your thoughts are! 🙂
Oh to have such decisions 🙂
It just sounds like so much fun, but very difficult to imagine with just a color swatch. I loved the trips out with you and your Captain looking at the frontages (is that a word?) and the curb appeal is a major part of selling a property.
I love the heart you put into it too. It would be too easy just to slap a coat of paint on and just change the knobs on the kitchen units… but you take the property into your arms and deliver it to a new family…
I still think your personal home is my all time favorite design though…
Hugs from across the pond..
If frontages is not a word….we shall make it one! I have been known to make up words from time to time! 😉 I really do enjoy updating houses….I feel like it is taking something someone has neglected for a long time and giving the ‘ole girl’ new life. I suppose it works both ways as it gives this ‘ole girl’ a satisfaction, which in turn is a new life also! 😉
Always hugs right back at ya!
Love the cabinets and like 3 of the granite pieces ( 3 down on the L and 2 & 4 on the right )
thanks Marie….I always appreciate any input. 😉 Thanks for stopping by.
Just noticed the other comments were in June .Im sure those decisions have been made 🙂 What did you do ?
Hi Marie, I chose the 2nd one down on the right! You just re-inforced my choice on that house.:) However, I am in the process of picking out granite on yet another house and may choose the 3rd down on the left for it….I am really leaning toward that one. I really get all bogged down with doing so many houses so inputs are wonderful! thanks again for stopping by.
Kari, I couldn’t read the names or the color numbers, so I’m not a lot of help. I leaned toward some of the greenish colors. I think you’ve pretty much decided though. Smile!
thanks Sandy for looking….I actually haven’t decided and need to by Monday. 😉 The only thing I know for sure is I think it should be a light gray but even that is not for sure……:)
My vote (if it counts) is gray with the Loyal Blue doors and the countertop 3rd down on left. Looks really rich!
thanks Karole….I really appreciate your help! decisions decisions decisions! 😉
Then, with tongue in cheek …(remember the humor in our family) Only Daughter said “OR the doors could be orange” 🙂
Thank you Only Daughter for your inputs….I do like the grays that you chose.
I will take the orange doors into consideration…..NOT!!! 🙂
Luv ya
Only Daughter sent me an email that said and I quote:
Morning Fog house color with the Lazy Gray bands, white trim and the second marble on the right for counter-top and I think the blue is good for the doors.