“GGson” Show Off Time…..:)
Over the week-end, “GGson”….(Great Grandson in simple English) went to the Lake for boating with his family and his Grandma!
Below are a few pictures that his Gma (Grandma) sent his GG (Great Grandma)….that’s Me!
Don’t ya love taking in code?
Well, it isn’t really code….you grandmas and great grandmas know what I mean. 😉
Testing out the waters of the Kanopolis Lake…..
If they would come down here to Florida…our Gulf waters are crystal clear and turquoise….did I just say that out loud??? ! 😉
I believe he is getting ready to drive the boat!
Ooops! Better with a hat…who needs to see over the steering wheel?
Lookin’ good! Especially the Kansas City Royals hat that my beautiful grand daughter is wearing! #ForeverRoyals….#Lets Go Royals!!!!!
Sorry, you know I had to get sports in there somewhere! 😉
I think in this pic he must be trying to blow up his life jacket!
Or perhaps he is just trying to see over the poufy thing….I wasn’t there, so I am not knowing the exact circumstance. 😉
I think he must be checking out the seating arrangements of all his family, before starting the boat.
Speaking of starting a boat….It is Monday!!! , and I have got to get a move on. Stripping the beds, doing laundry, putting a pot of soup in the crock pot, etc.
Gosh, Monday was always wash day when I was growing up….and Mom always had a pot of Soup on the back of the stove….click on the post below for the Ham and Bean Soup recipe and wash day musings.
Monday, Monday…Wash Day and Soup!
Did your family have a special day for laundry, my dear readers?
Have a great Monday!
Gosh, Kari…all your friends have already said ALL the right things. GGson is definitely adorable! And I love the different poses!
thanks Karole….he has such a personality….not sure my own kids had that when they were his age. haha. perhaps I was just too busy taking care of two at one time. Can’t wait to see you guys again. when are you coming back down?
Ah such a lovely post. He is a cutie.
I think Monday wash day was lost when ladies had to work, even my mother worked so everything had to squeezed into the Saturday morning chores… I remember the laundry smell and turning the handle of the mangle though.
Hugs x
Actually, we were talking about that same thing today….the days when one could sit on the front porch drinking lemonade chatting with a neighbor. As women were forced to go to work, they had to forego many of the little relaxation times and work twice as hard on week-ends or their days off.
Funny you should mention laundry smells….that is something I tend to remember, especially when I pour bleach into the machine, my mind races back in time to Mother’s tub of “whites” soaking in a bleaching solution.
Thanks for stopping by my friend.
Luv ya
What a cute little redhead. Guess his parents have bought stock in the sunblock company. My nephew has for his little read head.
He is the cutest little dude….and they do have to watch his tender skin in the sun. I have to admit that I laugh at his cute little expressions…his eyes are older than his years…which is why I can identify with that! LOL. Thanks for stopping by Annie.
Yep, Mondays were wash and cleaning days, but I haven’t carried on that tradition. lol
Great-grandson is a cutie, Kari.
thanks Sandy…he has the cutest expressions! All babies are adorable in my book and I love to Ooooh and Ahhhh over them all, my children and grandchildren included. However, this little guy speaks volumes with his eyes! thanks for stopping by.
Typical wash day here….it is raining! LOL…..but the soup smells amazing!