Yes, I Already Knew That…..:)
My Captain’s Birthday!
Yup, today is the Captain’s Birthday and we like to spoil each other for a full week…calling it a “Birthday Week”, because a one day celebration is just not enough! 😉
What our little “game” consists of is this: It is the responsibility of the non-birthday spouse to pick up the tab all week long…for the Birthday spouse!
So when the Captain arrived home from his tour of flying yesterday…I knew I was in for picking up the bill at all the events this week.
Of course, he is worth it. I am so blessed to have him in my life.
And…..being the loving wife that I am….I took the Captain out for dinner, soon after he landed at RSW on Monday.
He likes all kinds of food, but he particularly likes Italian food, so of course I took him to Ceno’s Italian Restaurant and Grill.
However, when the waiter came to get our order….he reminded us that Monday’s were a buy one meal, get the other half price! (And yes, I must confess…I already knew that) 😉
But being the wonderful, sweet spirited, wonderful, happy to pay, wonderful (did I just repeat that?), person that I am….I volunteered to take us to breakfast on this,…. the Captain’s special day, Tuesday, July 21st!
And so I drove us to “First Watch” for breakfast! And lo and behold… if one belongs to the Sun Club, the birthday meal is free!
(OK, I must confess….I already knew that) 😉
However, lunch required some thought. I didn’t want to just fix him a baloney sandwich for lunch…so I decided to surprise him with a trip to one of his favorite places.
Yep!!!! The Hot Dog Stand that sits outside of Home Depot!
You see the Captain really likes those authentic, New York Style, Italian Hot Sausages!
I figured only the best Italian Hot Sausages for an equally “hot” guy!
Sorry for the mush and gush!
(And yes, I must confess….I already knew that)
The afternoon was spent in the pool…splashing each other like little kids. You know all the adult behavior! NOT!!
I can sum up my Captain, by the sentence that remains on the bottom of all his outgoing emails!
“You have to make up your mind about growing up and being a pilot. You can’t do both”.
Which makes him so special to me….
(And yes, I must confess….I already knew that)
Tonight…we are going to a pretty waterside restaurant for dinner, where we will sip some wine and watch the sunset.
And they just happen to have his favorite fish (Grouper) on the menu.
Yeah! You know where this is going. AND…I also have a coupon!
But then you already knew that didn’t you? 🙂
Have a great Tuesday….:)…and I wish my Captain a very special birthday for a very special guy!
But I already knew that! 🙂
Looks like you had a very nice birthday yesterday. I wonder how today is going since you
celebrate for a week. Wow! Should be fun too.
So I guess you are starting to save now for November?
Kari took me to see the flip house that was painted outside with the blue front doors. Looks
very nice and her staging inside the house is just wonderful and makes you just want to move
right in. Don’t think it will take long to sell that one. Anyway glad you are having such a great
birthday week. Enjoy yourself. We only go round once. Take care, Kathy
thanks for the birthday wishes Kathy, I am receiving an offer on that house today, an agent just called me. Her staging is awesome! Did she tell you that the buyer of Flip One wanted to buy all the furniture with the house too? I am having a fun birthday week. Tom
Just love you both and the way you are perfect together.
Happy birthday Captain T.
Hugs too xx
The week is just beginning….we just went for an afternoon ice cream cone in the park…I got a single scoop while you-know-who got a double scoop in a cup! AND no discount! teeheeheehee!
Hugs right back at ya!;)
LOL Tell the Captain happy birthday for me.
Thanks Sandy…consider it done! Thanks for stopping by.