Give Me My Pill!
No, my dear readers….not me, ….I don’t like to take a baby aspirin!
However, I must confess there is someone in our home who literally begs for a pill!
It is when dark clouds hover, filled with heavy rain droplets,…. and the low rumblings of the sound of distant thunder reverberates across the skies.
Yes, our little Jesse James is frightened of thunder noises….and literally begs for a pill to calm him… along with being held and cuddled in his blankee!
O.K….he didn’t name it a blankee….I did.
The blankee is very lightweight and full of “pilling”…you know those little balls of material that appear mysteriously out of no where when pulled from the washing machine and dryer….but it is his favorite.
I named his drug of choice… the “thunder pills”!
The Vet prescribed them over the 4th of July when all the revelers were shooting off rockets and flares and lady fingers.
Of course, the rainy monsoon season has produced lots of thunder and rain in SW Florida and this year is certainly not the first time Jesse has heard these electrifying noises.
Previously, I just put his Thunder Shirt (you’ve seen them advertised I am sure) and wrapped him in my arms as he shook and panted.
The main problem with the Thunder Shirt is that it is not lightweight and lets face it…it gets hot in Florida and I couldn’t tell which was worse for him…panting out of fear or heat exhaustion….So off came the Thunder Shirt and out came the lightweight royal blue blankee and “the pills”.
And the good news is that the combination works.
It can be a bit cumbersome for me as I hold him, while trying to watch a Royals baseball game on my IPad… because the electricity went off or the Direct TV lost it’s signal in the wind and rain. Please Pardon the slobbers on the left bottom of the IPad….His slobbers not mine! 🙂
AND…that is exactly what happened last evening.
So there I was, dog wrapped in his blankee….watching the game from my IPad until the weather returned to “normal”… and the TV game blared into my solitude as it came back on the air. (I don’t remember the volume being that loud when it went off the air)
I would like to report that we won the game….but the Orioles took that honor.
We did win the first two games from them, with one more game tonight, WHICH I hope I can watch without the “drugee” standing before me with that very apprehensive look…staring out at the skies…. which translates ‘give me a pill’.
We shall see what we shall see. 😉
Have you pets that require pills to calm them?
If so, welcome to my world! ;)…..and I wouldn’t trade that little bundle of fluff for any other! 🙂
All animals are apprehensive when thunder and lightening starts off in the distance. My horse used to run up and down in the pasture when it was getting ready to storm.
The Royals game is delayed today because of rain. It should be starting around 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. now. Our guys in blue did their best last night.
Game got underway and the Royals came through….took 3 out of 4 games and what a game “Moose” had….now they come to my neck of the woods….so excited to see the Royals here in Florida! Lets hope they Sweep Tampa Bay Rays! thanks for stopping by Sandy!