EeeeeeVaaaaa or Eva, Our Own Little Robot!!!

Back in 2008…the Captain and I saw the Pixlar movie WALL-E!!!

We loved this little black and yellow robot.
You see, WALL-E, short for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-class, is the last robot left on Earth.
He spends his days tidying up the planet, one piece of garbage at a time. But during 700 years, WALL-E has developed a personality, and he’s more than a little lonely.

Then he spots EVE, a sleek and shapely blue and white probe sent back to Earth on a scanning mission.
WALL-E, pronounced her name EeeeVaaa. Drawing out the “E” and the “VA” in an effort to say Eve in his robotic tone.
Smitten with her crisp blue and white coloring…he marvels at her swift, but methodical movements as she glides through the air.
You see, WALL-Eeeeee (as he pronounces his name) is unable to soar through the air…he is earth bound.

In the movie, WALL-E embarks on his greatest adventure yet when he follows EVE across the galaxy.
My friends, meet our own little Eva….our pool cleaning robot who is also blue and white and glides through the water much as her sister robot, Eve.

When we first brought Eva to live with us…the Captain used to watch her intently…He was trying to figure out her “algorithm”!
It is fascinating to watch her work!
Click on this link to read the post about Walle…who we added later to be a companion for Eva and to be a companion for me!
I must tell you that Eva is known by every pool service technician who has ever serviced our pool….and the pool is serviced on a weekly basis.

And Yep! They call her Eva too!
By that I mean, they ask me…
….”Do you want me to put Eva in for you?”

OR, they might say…
….”I don’t think Eva needs to be put in the pool today,….is it ok if I leave Eva out?”

You would think a pool technician would say something like, “do you want me to put the pool cleaner in?”….rather than call her by the name I gave her… 6 years ago, when she came to “live” with us here at Villa de la Luna!

Yep! Each Pool tech (and there have been many over the years)…They all know her name. They probably made a note on our Pool Service Account..
..weird woman has named the pool cleaner, humor her and call the pool cleaner by the name she has chosen….EVA, …which is after the robot in the almost 10 year old movie …WALL-E, which none of us have seen, as we are all either too young or too old or we just don’t like animated movies!
Yes, I know…I am weird, because I name everything! I just like things to be personal. I’m not sure where that comes from.
Have a great Wednesday my dear readers….EeeeVaaa is in the pool and I think she needs watching, while I’m drinking a tall glass of iced tea…with lemon and mint.

That is one of my favorite movies. Love your little Eva ????????
Gee…like mother like daughter….there are so many things we like together. I love this movie too! thanks for stopping by. Luv ya and hugs always.