I have a new addition to My Secret Garden since I last posted about my “Potager”…and it is a wash tub! A wash tub in the Garden? Yep! but let’s go back just a bit.
Remember this post?
An English Potager definition: A small kitchen garden. Mid 17th century: from French jardin potager ‘garden providing vegetables for the pot’. (Oxford Dictionary)
So to call my potting bench a potager might be a bit of a stretch of terms.
But let me start from the beginning.
The Captain and I bought this potting bench shortly after moving to Florida, almost 6 years ago.
I have always wanted a potting bench and over the years I have used anything and everything to pot and re-pot plants.
This particular bench that I found at World Market was one of those sale items that you just can’t pass up. The Captain thought it might be a little “smallish” and not sturdy enough for what I wanted it for…but I convinced him that at the sale price…the last-a-bility really would not be an issue. A year or two’s use and then he could find me (or make me) a much sturdier and stronger bench.
However, my potting bench has been holding up just fine and this is a bit remarkable when considering it stays in the Florida elements all year long.
Below is the bench shortly after purchase and I immediately put this little work horse to use.
I try to keep it sorta clean… and filled with a vase of flowers and other interesting plantings, but lets face it. It is more utilitarian than pretty.
A few years after purchase….I decided it needed a little sprucing up, so after giving it a good scrub down, I dry brushed a pretty shade of green…ok, it was a green that I had in the garage and I would have used it had it been any color actually.
And so it looked like this, …sorta hidden and protected by the Areca palm fronds that hung over the bench. I thought the palms gave it a “natural” look. 🙂 That, and the many terracotta pots which are the usual things on my bench.
Let me tell you a bit more about my bench. It has a sink.
OK, it has an insert under one side of the top and it holds a plastic sink (tub). This allows me extra work space and then when I lift off the top on that side of the bench…my “sink” is there for me to wash strawberries or fruits. If I am transplanting herbs…. which is one of the main stays of my potting bench, I can put the plants in the sink while I prepare the planting pots.
Now as good and long lasting as this bench has been, it’s really starting to show it’s age….but I love it all the more!!!
So a few days ago, I removed everything and took a scrub brush to it and decided it needed a bright new color and yet another location.
Yes, I chose Royal Blue! More on that in a later post.
I have always had a length of garden hose close to my bench, but this year, I decided to put the bench beside a water spigot. This would allow me to fill the tub/sink with water without having to move across the garden….or drag the hose over to the bench. (Heaven forbid I get any more exercise) AND I would be closer to the house for easy transference of fruits and veggies to the kitchen.
I also like the convenience of picking up the tub/sink of water and emptying it into my garden plants.
My potting bench has hooks along the back to hang tools or whatever else I might need. I hang a little colander on one of the hooks. You would be surprised at the uses it gets. I also have a shelf on the top of the hooks and a shelf on the bottom of the bench. There I keep fertilizers, potting soil and a watering can.
I am giving you a quick pic of stuff (basil, thyme and rosemary) just sitting around on the bench, but I will be sharing some of my kitchen herb plantings later on and I think you will notice quite a change in the “stuff” on my bench….and perhaps there will be coasters for rolling it around a bit. Just sayin’!!!
Meanwhile, you know that one does not need an actual potting bench for planting small plants or large for that matter. You can use an old table or even a dresser, utilizing the drawers for planting or storage. Let the weather turn it into a rustic, unique place to plant your flowers!
I saw a real cute idea the other day…someone used an old picnic basket, spray painted it white, lined it with plastic and planted red geraniums. Sooooo pretty.
Sigh!!! that would be so romantic, don’t ya think?
Oh yes, the wash tub.
I found it at a yard sale …. and the Captain drilled holes in the bottom for drainage. I have planted several varieties of annuals, including my Mother’s favorite… zinnias.
Memories!…..watching Mama using her old Maytag washing machine and her two wash tubs for rinsing clothes.
And now I can plant and replant my wash tub and have double the sweet memories of Mama.
Have a great day and hugs always.
Sandy says
Hi Kari,
What a beautiful bench, and I know you’re going to put some Royals and Jayhawk stuff on that bench. lol
Kari says
Absolutely Sandy…it is kind of amusing when one opens the door to our liquor cabinet…and there stands a Jayhawk troll, it makes for many questions by guests. 😉
thanks for stopping by
Hugs always
Ross says
Ah, I could have done with the loan of the good Captain… it took me hours to knock some drainage holes into some larger planters this weekend. I have a garage full of tools that I never use and can never find the one tool that is designed for the job… so I make do with the old approach… a hammer and nail and when that didn’t work… I head back for the larger hammer and smaller nail….
Also it seems everything that should only take a few minutes takes hours when little hands are helping too..
I’ve mastered the art of not over reacting when we find a dead frog… just lying there on its back as if it was sunbathing and the art of relocating it..
Is it true if you “re-position” snails they find their way back.. if it is I’ve been wasting my pitching technique..
Hugs and I hope you have time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor.. xx
Kari says
I know had we lived closer to you he would have helped you in a heartbeat! Love the frog analysis. I am sure Ian had plenty to say about that. 🙂 thanks for stopping by and keep dancing!
Karole Jacobsen says
Another wonderful idea, my friend. Love the Royal(s) Blue!
Kari says
Thanks Karole….I am so glad we are beginning to win a few games…it is not too late but we need to win a few more games and get on a roll! Lets Go Royals!
ForeverRoyals! thanks for stopping by