My dear readers, I have been reminiscing nostalgia of Christmas’s past, so it continues today with my Nostalgic Christmas Tree Ramblings.
I am thinking particularly of my childhood Christmases. You see, the Captain and I have been watching Christmas Movies and one of our favorites is “A Christmas Carol”. Dickens could not have said it better when he commented:
“For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child Himself.”
― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
It was good to be a child at Christmas in our home.
My dear readers, I have been reminiscing nostalgia of Christmas’s past, so it continues today with my Nostalgic Christmas Tree Ramblings.
I am thinking particularly of my childhood Christmases. You see, the Captain and I have been watching Christmas Movies and one of our favorites is “A Christmas Carol”. Dickens could not have said it better when he commented:
“For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child Himself.”
― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
It was good to be a child at Christmas in our home.
The Christmas Season at our house was filled with lots and lots of friends and relatives popping in to give Christmas wishes, many carrying fresh baked goodies as a sign of good will.
Let me tell you about our Christmas Tree.
We always had a very tall, freshly cut, fragrant, Fraser fir Christmas tree standing brightly in the front window of our house and it was adorned with red and green glass balls along with hand made ornaments contributed by my sisters and me….and a crocheted ornament or two from Grandma.
Of course we children insisted the hand-made construction paper “chains” of red and green that we made at school be placed on the tree…..
….. and on the very top was the twinkling star that symbolized the star of Bethlehem.
There was no “theme” to our decorating the Christmas tree. The ornaments were a mish-mash of many colors and sizes. Our Dad made sure the red, green and yellow bubble lights (his favorite), were strung in and among the other strands of multi-colored lights.
We didn’t have the small white LED bulbs of today.
However, we loved the large, (in comparison)…white, blue, green, gold, red and green bulbs,…
…..that is until the whole strand went dark and then we had to screw and unscrew each and every bulb until we found the “dead soldier” that caused the outage.
But that was part of the fun and excitement of Christmas.
I especially loved the delicate strands of tinsel that glistened on the tree’s branches. We, as children had the responsibility of painstakingly placing a tangle free tinsel strand on each green tip of our Christmas Tree.
When the Christmas tree was decorated, we would all stand back and admire the most beautiful Christmas tree in the world…at least in our minds and hearts.
And then we would drink hot cocoa and eat white-frosted sugar cookies cut in the shapes of Christmas. Bells, trees, candy canes and snowmen.
Plus, Mom always had a bowl of hard peppermint candy along with bowls of whole walnuts and pecans.
But, one of my favorites was the bowl of multi-colored ribbon candy…..
…..and this leads me to my vignette of Christmas candies that I placed on my Sidebar. I had a similar vignette last year, but I tweaked it a bit this year.
My Sidebar is small as it sits alongside a short wall in my kitchen dining nook area and I love to decorate it with Christmas Candies.
I am always looking for nostalgic Christmas items and when I found the ribbon candy at Michael’s, well, I just couldn’t pass it up. The colors are not as vivid as the ribbon candy I had growing up…but I still love the ribbon shape.
Do you have a favorite childhood memory that you would like to re-create?
I am sure many of you are busy with your Christmas decorating and I want to remind you to take the time to stop and smell the Christmas that is in the air.
“God bless us, every one!”
― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
Please comment, I'd love to hear from you.