“New” Office Make-Over Update!
Deep Breath,
Have you ever worked on a fairly simple project and when it was finished, asked yourself, why did I wait so long to do this?
This is so obvious, why didn’t I think of that a long time ago?
My friends, that is the way I feel about my “new” office in a room that was an extra guest room.
The guest room which was used but a couple times in the last 7 years.
What was I thinking?
All that space, calling to me…. while I was cramped up in my kitchen at a very small piece of granite “desking” that was meant to be used for looking at cookbooks or jotting down recipes.
Certainly not a desk for writing a daily blog or crafting or picture taking, editing or…
…you get the picture.
I have so much room now in my “new” office that I am like Alice in Wonderland….not knowing which rabbit hole to jump down next. 🙂
I am like a kid in a candy store!
I am so excited to share with you one of the additions to this office.
It fills that wall space right next to the wrapping center station and to the left of the thread and bobbin racks.
The pics don’t seem to show the light and brightness in this room, but it is amazingly bright.
I have sheer curtains behind the plantation shutters that I am thinking of removing. I believe the shutters and the buffalo check curtains are enough. I will share the green buffalo check curtains in a later post.
I am thinking of putting a comfy chair sorta in front of the closet doors…at an angle of course. This would allow me to not only work at my desk and other work spaces but to take a break and relax to read and put my feet up. Do you have any suggestions as to what kind of comfy chair? Suggestions and tips please!
Sigh!…..one happy camper here.
I am still working on cord control and the positioning of drawers under the tabletops…but it is all coming together. Actually, the cords were pretty well hidden until WALL-E decided to pull them out when he was cleaning the floor. To read about WALL-E, check out this link. I LOVE HIM!!!!!! I don’t know how I ever got along without him. He is just too efficient for words.
So you may be asking…WHAT is this addition to the South wall? It is a pegboard!!! Yeah!
Yep, right there between the wrapping center station and the thread & bobbin racks.
This pegboard is for my tools, you know the hammer, screw driver, nails, etc that used to reside in the “junk” drawer in the kitchen.
“That” drawer was the drawer I had to rummage through to find a small nail to hang a picture.
And a hammer.
You know the drawer with bread wrapper ties and florist wire and stray buttons and tiny objects found on the floor that obviously went on something…just not sure what….but-better-keep-it-because-one-never-knows-when-one-will-need-to-fix the widget or gizmo it came off of.
We have all been there haven’t we? If I were to throw away the found piece….I would need it the next day to adhere, glue, fasten or sew on an existing thing-a-ma-jig!
I am still rounding up tools to put on my pegboard…somewhere there is a T-Square and a few other items, but I wanted to share this pegboard with you as is, because it was so simple to make.
It started with a brown piece of pegboard that the Captain bought at Lowes. He also added the wood trim around the edges. The groove he made with the skill saw allowed the pegboard to remain in place inside the frame.
A few coats of spray paint and the pegboard was hung in it’s place on the wall.
It is all coming together my dear friends and to think it was there all the time…right under my nose!
I welcome any comments or suggestions to making this office a better place to work and live.
Hope you are having a great day!
Wow this room is amazing ???
Everyone has a dream of something like this we either don’t have the space or we don’t have the imagination to pull it off.
So proud of what you have accomplished it is perfect and it is very organized.
Love it?????????
Thanks Sis…and speaking of organized…you, too have a room that is just like that.
I love the way you have arranged and closeted all the toys and trains, etc for your little grandson(s) and my great grandson(s) in his special room. It is no wonder he loves staying at your house, he has all the comforts of his own home, bed included, with a place for everything and everything in it’s place.
The acorn doesn’t fall too far from the Oak tree! 🙂
Hugs…luv ya!
p.s. the chair I missed out on might have been this one… http://www.market71.com/ariel-rococo-chair-in-suzani-print/
not sure of my memory… think I’ve moved on!
Such fun you will have recovering the desk chairs… although I did at first read it as recovering the deck chairs which would have be awesome as my mind was a riot of tropical patterns and pink colors for your secret garden!
I’ve just found “gorilla tape” – not sure how long its been in the UK, but it was great at masking the area for painting. Will you use “gorilla glue” for your shells or a hot glue gun.. Again, I can see you with the hot glue gun in hand just looking for anything to glue once you get started… what a hoot!
I missed the opportunity to purchase a lovely brightly tropical colored Graham and Green Shell design chair – it was out of my budget at the time and now they only seem to do them in boring grey… never mind – I didn’t really “need” it.
Just make sure you don’t have high arms on your new chair so that you have some elbow room when you are hand sewing in comfort or resting… plus a nice matching foot stool eh!
Closed doors work for me every time 🙂
Hugs my friend xxx
Brilliant idea my friend….love the idea of a splash of color chair. The room, as-is, is pretty much pale green (walls) and all white furniture….so a little color would be nice. Bright yellow? Perhaps a tropical floral print? thoughts?
You know me so well that I wish you could see the two project piles I have covering the table on the South wall. haha!
One project is material to cover the two existing desk chairs…I dug out my material/fabric box that has been hiding in the back of the closet for several years. If the material I choose has not rotted out from just sitting folded in the box, LOL…. I might be able to choose a fabric …I am looking at a hot pink and white floral that I bought a long time ago to use as a tablecloth, which never materialized.
The second project is a DIY which includes glueing small sea shells that we have collected over the years, onto charger plates to use in a coastal tablescape. Very time consuming and a bit boring. Not sure how long that one will sit until completed, which only proves that the “new” office has already proven useful.
Especially love the closed door on the office!
Hugs XXX
Hi honey, so much space to enjoy. I’m guessing it will soon have little project piles making colourful splashes. What will you tackle first?
It needs to be a lovely bright cheerful comfy chair as a splash of mad colour always brings a smile with it.
Hugs from across the pond