Maybe it was the sight of a black and white cat sitting on the porch as I drove through a new neighborhood.
Maybe it was the nostalgia that I felt when I remembered my encounter with a strange black and white cat in my own Secret Garden, a few years ago.
Maybe it was the small ache in my memory as I remembered the many cats and kittens of years past who had entered my life in one way or another, and departed.
Whatever the reason, I began to smile.
Because that cat….that black and white cat, on that day in my Secret Garden,…..
………caused me to take pen and paper and write a poem about this haughty visitor to my personal sanctuary of piece and quiet.
The poem I wrote a few years ago, I would like to share with you again, my dear readers.
Why?, because I think many of you will relate to the mysteries of cats and kittens.
Cats came to us from Pharaohs and Kings of Ancient Egypt where they were treated like Pharaohs and Kings.
I think they still think of themselves as Pharaohs and Kings. 🙂
“My Ode to the Cat”
Pharaohs and Kings
Adventure and Mysteries… always await me there,
as I sit in my garden in my little chair.
In my Secret Garden, reading and sipping my tea
I felt those strange eyes, staring at me
The eyes were bright yellow, with thin vertical slats
sleek bodied and slender, a Beautiful Cat.
I smiled my greeting, with none in return…
this uppity cat with ego to burn.
Where were your ancestors, with Pharaohs and Kings?
Adorned with jewels and bangles and rings?
For up there you sit, so regal and tall
Perched so high on my garden wall
Come visit with me, I silently beg
I will pat your head, while you rub my leg.
Not a quiver nor nod nor indication to leap
it’s thoughts were quite clear, tho nary a peep.
Ok, I mused…. going back to my book,
I won’t play your game, I won’t take a look.
I read and I prayed, my morning routine…
ignoring its presence, tho not to be mean.
I looked up from my Bible, eyes toward the wall,
the Cat had not moved, no… not at all.
Aloof and haughty, a breed I don’t know…
all white with some black… or calico.
A short haired cat, not a hair out of place…
certainly not one that I would embrace 😉
Yet … I know we were speaking, this Cat and Me,
through our thoughts or mental telepathy.
Tomorrow I’ll go to the garden again
and gaze at the wall for that silly non-friend.
….February 7, 2014
Thanks Sandy for your insight regarding cats….I swear this cat appears to be looking down its nose at me..and yet, it wouldn’t leave to go on to bigger and better things. hahaha
Your right about cats speaking telepathically. Our cats do it all the time. They can understand what we say, but we don’t understand them at all. Since, we can’t understand what they’re trying to let us know with there minds; they’ve resorted to talking out loud to us, and we still can’t
understand them. lol
Our Midnight gets so frustrated she yells. lol