My dear friends, I hope you like my new blog Theme Design!
Even though the new Theme Design has been up and running for the last week, it has been getting tweaked here and there and I wanted to point out a few areas so you may easily navigate it.
As I have said before, we’ve been planning for this day for quite some time.! And finally, it’s here!
Redesigning a blog is a long and very personal process, starting with finding the right Theme Design. There are so many details big and small that must be decided upon… once you have the Theme Design in place. There are font and graphics and layout and colors just to name a few. But As a matter of fact, I am still working on a few of those. So many choices! I do believe it was so so worth all the work. I wanted the new Me and My Captain to be made-over with YOU, my dear readers, in mind!
I would be remiss if I did not give a big thank you and shout out to my talented blog designer(s) Lauren and Lani from Restored 316. Thank you Lani, for being patient and teaching this “set in her ways” ole’ chick all new, (and some old) technology in the Blogging world! And most importantly, thank you for listening to me and making my vision tangible and real! You are a great teacher and the personal videos were amazing !!
Now, let’s take a look around!
At the left, ….at the very top of the Home page, there are the topics, …Home, About Me, Blog, Shop, Contact! Home is the front page, About Me is where my picture and bio is, Blog is one of the ways to go directly to the daily post, Shop is a new category where I will post a few of my favorite things and Contact is self-explanatory. There are drop downs dividing the categories if you hover your mouse over the topic.
The “shop” topic is where I plan to add items that might be of interest to you, things I have or use in my own home….and give you a site to look at items for yourself with no obligation.
On the right of that same line are the social media icons such as FB, Instagram, Pinterest, twitter, etc that will take you to my sites. I LOVE Pinterest and Instagram. There is a link to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram. I sure hope you do!!! I add more pins every day!
Let’s continue….
In the middle, below that announcement line is the name of the blog, Me and My Captain.
Directly below the logo are more topics. Confessions-Over-The -Hedge, which is my talking to you as we would if you lived next door to me. It is my daily feature post, the meat and potatoes of my Blog, the whole enchilada…ok, you get the picture. 🙂
Next you will see Tablescapes which has a drop down into the sub items, Holiday, Seasonal, and Themes. Each one of those drop downs has a specialized dropdown, being more specific as to which tablescapes are there for your viewing, ie; Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter and of course each Holiday of the year. The themes are self explanatory such as Alice in Wonderland and Sherlock Holmes Tablescapes.
The next topic is Recipes and if you let your mouse hover over this category, you will see sub categories in that drop down. Recipes are broken down by appetizers, desserts, main dishes, etc.
The next topic on that line is HouseTours/Decorating which also contains drop downs showing My Home, House Flipping, etc.
The next category is Sports/Travel/Entertainment and the drop downs there go into more detail of each of those subjects.
So much easier to navigate, right?
Below those topics is one of my favorite things.
A collage of pictures which I like to put together for the past, present or future months. These will change at least monthly to give you an indication of what is going on in the Blog.
I added a “subscribe” bar beneath the picture collage. It says “Stay up to date with the latest”! just fill it in and click on the “GO” button! It looks like this one below.
This is the place to add your name and email to get my daily newsletters, if you have not signed up already. And if you don’t get Me and My Captain’s daily emails you just might want to!!! If you are not a subscriber… now’s the time! Your email is never revealed to anyone, just me. There are several places you can sign up if you missed this one.
Beneath that, is my post for the day. Also, there is a “leave a comment” at the top and “bottom” of the post which I really like as I love hearing from you, my dear readers, it really makes my day.
The daily post is called… “Latest From The Blog”! An added feature is that there are several places to see my daily feature posting. You can click on any “Blog” heading and you will be taken to the post of the day.
Directly to the right of the Latest From The Blog.…you will see my picture. Before it was a pink caricature which featured a lady, Seattle skyline, palm trees and an airplane. I liked it and thought it was “cute”
As you know, I came from a life of Aviation and I am married to an airplane pilot, hence the name of the Blog Me and My Captain. I felt it was important to distinguish the Blog with my picture as well. I think it makes my blog more personal,… so personal that you will notice the picture is not a professional one, but a selfie I took in the front seat of my car on a very sunny day after visiting my hair dresser! (It didn’t hurt that we were experimenting with make-up too, have you ever tried air brushing make-up? It hides a lot of blemishes! More on that in a later post)
As you scroll down, beneath my daily feature Blog post, you will see all my latest posts, with truncated text to make it easier to navigate to a particular post. You can click on the picture or the text to be taken directly to the post. These posts auto-populate, page by page.
I love the new color palette because I have color choices! Currently, I am using neutral colors with a touch of turquoise, but I can change that from time to time. I like it because the colors came straight from my living room.
At the very bottom of the Me and My Captain home page you will see three of my latest Recipes and three of my latest tablescapes. Click on the text or the picture and it will take you to that post.These categories can change if I decide to move them around but for now, I like them in this position.
Please check it out!!! I am so excited to have changed from the orange paisley theme I used to have…I was new at blogging then and things have changed for the better these days. I am really excited about the new layout in this Theme Design and how pretty it looks!
My goal was to make Me and My Captain fresher, cleaner, easier to navigate and prettier to look at.
And picking the right Theme Design for easy navigation and readability was of utmost importance to me.
I hope you look around and familiarize yourself with the new blog Theme Design. I know it is more user friendly. It is still a work in progress as I “play” with this new toy and make it even better.
YOU, my dear readers, are the reason Me and My Captain exists! And YOU are the BEST !!!!
Thank you so much for reading Me and My Captain, following me on my social media.
Thank you for being generous with your time, commenting and sharing, and being a part of the Me and My Captain family!
Thank you for being the most fabulous readers and friends!!!!!
I have to tell you that I love writing this Blog… I feel like I am talking directly to each and every one of you. In fact, many times as I write, I am reminded of one of you dear friends or family and how you might be smiling as I am over any given topic.
I love all of you!!!!
And as always, thank you for following me and subscribing to Me and My Captain!
I would love to hear your comments about this new theme and any suggestions you might have.
Blessings Always!
Kari Rogers-Miller
Please comment, I'd love to hear from you.