Are you tired, rundown, listless? Do you poop out at parties?
My dear readers, I am sure you remember those lines from the famous “I love Lucy” episode, where Lucy is rehearsing for a commercial to promote a health elixir called Vitameatavegamin!
Perhaps you remember the “lines” she had to say over and over again including tasting the elixir by the tablespoon full, which unknown to Lucy, was 23% alcolhol !!!!
Below is the little speech she had to make in the commercial for vitameatavegamin!
Lucy: Hello, friends, I’m your Vitameatavegamin girl! Are you tired, rundown, listless? Do you poop out at parties? Are you unpopular? The answer to all your problems is in this little bottle, Vitameatavegamin. Vitameatavegamin contains vitamins, meat, vegetables, and minerals. Yes, with Vitameatavegain, you can spoon your way to health. All you have to do is take a tablespoonful after every meal. It’s so tasty, too! (tastes spoonful) It’s just like candy! So, why don’t you join the thousands of happy, peppy people, and get a great big bottle of Vitameatavegamin tomorrow? That’s Vita-meata-vega-min! (winks at camera).
At first the tonic tastes disgusting, and Lucy makes her iconic faces, which causes the director to insist that she do a “re-take”, and then another and then even more. Of course, she becomes intoxicated and can not finish the commercial.
It is true I am a redhead, just like Lucy, and it is true I have done a few weird and/or funny things, just like Lucy, but there is where the similarities end.
I loved this funny, talented lady and all her shows were/are iconic and legend. It was good clean fun which I wish we had more of in today’s television line-up!
These days, if it is not sports, I don’t watch much…but that is another story.
So how am I identifying with this comedic episode of “I Love Lucy”?
I suggest you grab a cuppa something, hopefully not Vitameatavegamin ….cause I have another story to tell.
Last month, the Captain and I went to Atlanta to attend a Blogger Convention.
I met lots of nice people, some who blog and some who provide services for bloggers.
I have wanted to change my background theme of my Blog for some time now, in fact I paid a local designer dude $500.00 to set mine up. (he worked out of his home)
After a few weeks of “work” and “non-work”….he decided to move on to bigger and better things than this little blogger in SW Florida.
Useable work?
Lesson learned…maybe!
So I worked in and around the things I didn’t like about my current theme, ignoring the orange paisley background, that in the beginning I had thought was “cute”.
Enter designer dude #2!
As you know, we flip houses. I met this Real Estate/Web Designer through a Real Estate deal we worked and he offered to assist me (for a fee of course)but only in a few weeks…. as he was up to his eyeballs in other things at the time.
The clock ticked by…
……and ticked..
…..and ticked!
Talk about getting tired, rundown, listless!
And, well by now I am thinking…..
….is there anyone in the world who can assist my little fingers as they flit from plug-in to widget to category to sub item to scalloped potatoes to meatloaf to tablescape to Jesse James to infinity and beyond?
Being the trooper that I am…and growing up in a home where one made-do with what one had, because we were lucky to have that, kind of atmosphere…I persevered.
I used cutout pieces of cardboard in shoes that had holes.
I watered down the milk gravy with water when the milk bottle was empty.
I wiped down the aluminum foil so it was re-useable!
OK, sorry…I got a bit carried away…but I’m sure my grandma did all of that.
And then there was a ray of light at the end of the tunnel….only this time I knew it was not an oncoming train.
In Atlanta, at the Blogger conference, I met a service provider of web design…more specific…a Blog web designer.
I explained my situation and they could help, they said….
…. and I explained that I didn’t want to lose any previous posts, recipes etc and I wouldn’t, they said.
With big wide eyes I asked….Simplicity without orange paisley? We can give you exactly what you want and are happy to provide it, they said.
For yet another fee…of course!
Of course!
How soon can you do it and how long will it take?…., I practically stammered over my words as I pulled out my check book,…. then seeing the frown on their faces, I replaced it with a credit card and watched their frown turn into wide smiles.
“We can have you up and running again in 24 hours!” they said. “After the conference”
“What do I have to do?” I asked excitedly.
And then they said the words that were music to my ears.
“Nothing” they said.
“Call us when you get home to Florida and give us a password and we will get it all set up”
My dear readers….we all know that if it looks too good to be real, it probably isn’t real.
Let me be perfectly clear here.
The web designers provided exactly what they said they would.
I really like the simple theme design that I picked out and the fact that there is no more orange paisley, well that made my heart sing!
However, this theme has so many codes, pages, menus and widgets and plug-ins (yes, there are tutorials… written for Rocket Scientists) that have my head spinning.
…and throbbing! One week later and I still have not found the secret of the lost Ark….I mean the new theme.
Yep! Tired, rundown, listless….again!
But let’s face it. I think my grandchildren would understand all this “stuff” better than I.
Come on! A dear friend just taught me how to use insta-stories on my IPhone while in Atlanta. What happened to SnapChat?
Another fact? I am slow or perhaps I am easily distracted when looking at three pages of codes for adding a recipe.
So yes, I am tired, rundown, listless and yes, I do poop out at parties these days…..usually I poop out right after dinner to be exact.
Please bear with me when looking or searching on my Blog. You may find the Thin Cocoa Cake recipe under tablescapes or sports…but I will get it in the right category, eventually.
I wonder if there is any elixir out there that I can take so I can join the thousands of happy, peppy people in that Lucy commercial?
Hugs and Blessings.
Kari says
How funny Jen…I lived and worked in Tukwilla for a few years….but knew lots of people from Renton and Everett….so perhaps you have already guessed what major company I worked for. LOL
Jen Carpenter says
I was looking for the script to the Vitameatavegamin commercial (re-vamping my bathroom & decided on a Lucy theme) and your page came up. I typically look at the website name (to be sure it isn’t blaringly obvious its a virus or something evil) and loved your name “MeAndMyCaptain”. I saw the commercial right there at the beginning, but decided to read a little to see if anything was interesting. I read your story about the paisley background ordeal and thoroughly enjoyed it. I’ll be bookmarking your page and will be revising when not in such a time crunch. Did I mention I’m currently at work? Not work-from-home, but in an office in downtown Everett Washington. Just had to send you a quick note to say hello! -Jen