Hiccups Remedy?? I just had the hiccups and I immediately got rid of the hiccups. I thought to myself I should repeat this remedy with you my dear readers.
I have tried breathing into a bag or having someone jump out and scare me or even holding my breath …all to no avail. My hiccups remained until they were good and ready to cease and desist.
I am going to go so far as to say I have a remedy that will make you stop hiccuping! (is that a word?) I have never had it fail! Not once! My hiccups go away immediately.
Not even one last hiccup before stopping altogether!
Let me preface this by saying I am not a Doctor and I have no license to give out fixes of maladies and I am certainly no snake oil salesman!
But this remedy has worked for me and for countless others I have told.
I wish I could say I thought of it…
Or happened on it by experimenting with all kinds of remedies in a secret laboratory in the basement of my house.
Wait! I don’t have a basement!
I don’t even have laboratory jars unless you count the ones that hold the fresh flowers I buy at the Farmers Market every Saturday.
Nope! I can not say I found this little remedy on my own.
Twin Number 1 told me about this “little fix” last year when I had an embarrassingly loud hiccup session in a White Castle Hamburger fast food place with he and his family.
He told me of this remedy and I thought it was a joke….he has been known to pull jokes on me before, Both he and Twin Number 2.
Twin Number 2 likes to offer me sour candy all the while assuring me it is sweet! (I have never liked sour candy)
“Try it Mom, it’s not sour like Jolly Ranchers candy! This is really good!”
I fall for it every time because I believe there is good in Man!
Certainly my sons will not deceive their sweet, beautiful, understanding, Mom of the Year prototype!
But alas, tis not true! I am hoodwinked every time!
So when Twin Number 1 suggested I try this little “trick” … you can see why I was skeptical!
I can see the scenerio…Picture this!…. I do what my son is suggesting and a room full of people suddenly stop eating their burgers and fries and start laughing at me,… with Twin Number 1 leading the laugh-a-thon over his prank!
I looked to spouse of Twin Number 1…surely she will not deceive me … and yet she is saying “no, it will work” she earnestly tries to assure me.
I knew I should not rule her out as part of the “trick”… just where is her loyalty going to land? But I was getting desperate as I hiccuped every few seconds.
I was willing to put myself out there and be humiliated. What if it worked? Wasn’t I known as an adventurous person?
So I had Twin Number 1 give me the instructions again….
“Take a sip through your straw while holding a pointer finger in each ear”!
I asked him… “how am I going to hold my cup of soda if I have both pointer fingers in each one of my ears? This has got to be a joke!”
Everyone at our table giggled…further fueling my thoughts that this is not going to work.
But I am brave!
I leaned over the soda and popped the straw in my mouth while putting my two pointer fingers in each ear and took a long sip. I looked like the “Flying Nun” holding onto her hat with both arms! Elbows out to the side and hollowed in cheeks as I sucked on the straw!
My family sitting at the table roared with laughter at my antics…..but you know what?
That’s right. No hiccups!
Since I am no scientist, I don’t know how this works….all I know is that it works. Every time!
At least for me and for all the friends and family I have shared this with.
Twin Number 1 ….Did I ever tell you that I always loved you best? ;0
Well, if I did…I should correct that to I love all my kids best….always will!
Even if they play tricks on me….
Or if they don’t play tricks on me…
Unconditionally, always!
Hmm! What does twin #1 do for a living, Kari. I think this trick probably has something to do with air pressurization, but don’t quote me. lol