Surprised? My dear readers, I have a confession to make, I am rarely surprised.
Let me explain what I mean.
I’m the one you do not want sitting beside you in the movies.
Why? …because I can tell by the transpiring plot and twist of events everything that is about to unfold……
……..and I am not above voicing the outcome of this movie 30 minutes into it, much to the chagrin of the Captain.
I’m also the one who, at the first shake of the hand and a few exchanged words can silently sum up a stranger I just met, their motives and the story behind their eyes.
This comes in real handy as the Captain and I interview prospective contractors for our house flipping ventures.
I’m also the one who can read, or watch on the news, tragic stories of perhaps a mistreatment or horrible “accident” and say with almost certainty…the Mother, or the Uncle… or whoever the players are “did it”…and usually, I am pretty accurate.
No, I do not claim to be clairvoyant, nor do I believe in such things.
God put us on this earth at his timing and only He knows the future as His Word tells us to stay away from fortune telling and the like.
My sixth sense has nothing to do with super power abilities…my secret, if there is a secret to it…is I LISTEN to what is being said by all involved.
I guess one could say it is similar to being a crime profiler…or in other terms, someone similar to a person interviewing candidates for job positions.
Sooooo, I just sit back, observe, watch body language, and I LISTEN!
Which brings me to why I started my story today.
A few weeks ago, beautiful grand daughter #3 texted me during one of our group texts during a Kansas City Royals Baseball game. She, her mother, (Only Daughter) and I text about each play-by-play of the game as well as the happenings of the day and other chit-chat.
Her text said: “Gma, are you doing anything special over Labor Day Week-end?”
My text back to her said this:
“Two outs, Come on Salvy, hit them in! No plans, R U thinking of coming down?”
“Chicken Fried Steak, mashed potatoes,. Darn, out number three.” Only Daughter piped in with her text.
This was in answer to a previous text about five texts above. You see, as we ask each other questions such as what did you have for dinner, what did you do today…yada yada yada!
I know it may look confusing, but we are able to know what answer is to what question while still commenting on the game play.
Must be in the genes!
After many more texts back and forth, grand daughter texts:
“Since the first is my birthday, I was thinking of coming to see you and celebrating a four day week-end, I will fly in on Friday and fly home on Monday so I can be at work on Tuesday.”
“Great!” I text back…”did you see that? That umpire called that a strike, no way”….and then ……“why don’t you come too?”
Since Only Daughter is the only other person in the group texting, she knew I was talking to her and she texted:
“Sorry, I can’t come down this time…too much going on here.”
Grand daughter texted next:
“Come on Mom, can’t you make arrangements and come with me?…..yeah!!!!! Hos hit a single to right field! yeah!!!!!!
Then Daughter texted:
“Bases loaded, come on guys let’s get some runs! You know the first of the month I have to get statements out”
And so, my dear readers…this was the beginning of a series of daily baseball games and many, many texts back and forth per our usual….but the outcome was always the same, Grand daughter and her friend Brooke coming, Daughter could not come to Florida at this time.
At this point I have to preface this to say that a couple years ago, grand daughter came to visit and I thought she was going to surprise me with my daughter, her mother, also coming with her.
It did not happen.
Since that time, there have been visits by both of them, but this time, I was convinced my Daughter was not coming. I knew of her busy schedule as she also baby sits with my other grand daughter’s two children (my great grandchildren) during the week.
Meanwhile, Grand daughter had texted me a picture of her and her friend Brooke at the KC airport as they were getting ready to board the plane.
Her mother was also texting in the group text such things as, text me when you board and text me when you land….you know the kinds of things a mother says to their child….no matter their age.
Their flight was to arrive at 8:33 pm and it had been a beautiful day until…
Until, I went to the airport in a thunderstorm to pick up my granddaughter and her friend Brooke.
Because it was raining, I texted I would pick them up at the terminal instead of going inside to do a meet and greet.
And sure enough I saw granddaughter and Brooke waiting under the awnings near the arrival doors.
But a strange thing happened. My grand daughter opened the passenger door and Brook opened the door in the back and then my grand daughter ran around to my drivers side of my car…
… the rain…with cars loading and unloading passengers.
“I just wanted to hug you Gma, I love you”, when I queried as to why she was in a dangerous place with cars moving about.
“I love you too, now hurry and get in the car before you get hit”! I said anxiously!
“Look!” she exclaimed as she pointed towards the passenger seat.
I turned to see my Only Daughter sitting there smiling at me!
Can I tell you how surprised I was? I had no inclination, no sixth sense at all.
No clever, I know how this story ends.
No, Nothing like that at all.
I was instead…surprised, shocked and surprised some more.
In fact, I started screaming with excitement, so much so that the crossing guard thought something was wrong and rushed over to see if he could help.
After we convinced him that all was well…he promptly told us to “please move on!”….he had traffic to move!
Talk about squelching the excitement, but we fully understood.
I will never forget the surprise of having my daughter …and grand daughter with me for the whole week-end, and I don’t want to forget Brooke.
And…even more surprising is that I did not have this surprise figured out.
Hmmmmm, I wonder if my sleuthing skills are slipping!
I hope you too had a wonderful Labor Day Week-end, my dear readers.
Do you like to be surprised?
I know I am one happy Mother and Grandmother!
Blessings to all.
Wonderful time!!!
I still don’t know how you pulled it off…but I was definitely surprised.
Yes we fooled you big time💙😘😜
Had a great time love you💙😘sorry about all the little white lies sure glad nothing wrong with my phone!!!!
Ha ha
You sure did surprise me sweetie. A most pleasant surprise. We had a great week end catching up on all the things Moms and Daughters (and grand daughters) talk about….and even more. Luv ya lots