Joy In The Journey….A short Sunday Scripture.
A while back, the ladies of our church put together a devotional booklet that has been inspirational to say the least.
The early morning hours found me sitting on my lanai with my own little quiet time…and I picked up the booklet and flipped the pages.
As I did so, the page I stopped on was this one titled: Who is really in control? It was from Isaiah 45.
I flipped through a few more pages before going the opposite direction and flipping back through the little booklet.
And then…
And then, as I flipped the pages toward the front of the booklet, I stopped again on the page that said: “Who is really in Control?
Hmmmmm…ok, I thought to myself.
Perhaps I should read this.
And so as I sipped my hot tea, I sat in my chair with a slight breeze blowing softly against my skin…and I read the one page devotional.
I remembered from my Old Testament studies, that this passage from Isaiah was God speaking to King Cyrus, preparing him to be instrumental in the future release of the Jews from captivity.
Of course there is more to this story but the fact remains, that God is the only one in control and He reminded King Cyrus that He would give him strength for the task at hand.
No matter how hard we try to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps….we need God in our lives to direct our paths.
Some people might say, I don’t want to bother God with my little problems…He has more important things to worry about.
However, it is quite the contrary….God wants us to come to Him, to pray to Him and to seek His guidance.
And that can be difficult for one who wants/needs to be in control.
We need to let go and let God.
Have a blessed and beautiful Sunday my dear friends.
You don’t know how I needed this today. Enjoy your blogs so much. Sometimes ad Christians we forget who is in charge of things in our lives. Thank you Thank you.
The above comment came to my personal email but I wanted to share it with you, because we never know who we may touch with a kind word or a smile.
Thank you Dee Dee God bless you
I am happy I have found another blogger who shares her faith. I get so much strength from reading these. Even though I have followed the Lord for many years, it amazes me I still need reminders to “let go and let God”.
Thanks Nancy! I agree that it is icing on the cake when we find people of faith blogging….and after coming to the lord in 1967, I still need to be reminded to “let go and let God”. Thanks for stopping by.